When you lost your purchasing power faster than any project, nobody cares your privacy, scalability, simplicity or 70 BTC worth development fund.


It’s a pity :confused:
‪Grin treasury need to be used more aggressively, especially bull markets ‬

It is a pity. Trade Ogre will be happy with the extra clientele.

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TO will delist too. This is why many of us are screaming from a mountain top that we need to expect this.

It’s incredibly frustrating because what can the CC even do at this point? Pump all the funds into the creation of an alternative core team?

There is nothing we can do as CC if the reason for a delisting is a lack of liquidity or the need for a listing fee. Funding exchanges is not allowed within our funding guidelines and for good reasons. Liquidity will go organically to whoever allows trading of Grin.

@AlexGSG @Cobragrin Do you have perhaps more insight in the reason for the delisting of the BTC/Grin pair? Lack of liquidity? Is there still a USDT/Grin pair on Gate?

  • Lack of Progress: If a project shows a significant decline in development activity or fails to meet its roadmap milestones.

    • Technical Flaws: Persistent technical issues or vulnerabilities that compromise the coin’s functionality or security.
    • Lack of Interest: Low trading volume can also indicate a decline in user interest or confidence in the project.

We can prioritize development of a Dex. Follow Monero’s lead on this.

But I know that much of the work in this regard hinges on work from the core team as well.

Perhaps we should slowly rethink the financing model with regard to listings.
With liquidity, interest will also increase and then developers will also join in.
It’s really sad what’s happening.

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I’ve never had a problem with TradeOgre and I love buying and selling GRIN there. I’m not being paid to say this.

GRIN is still the #1 coin out there for me.


Grin already has a DEX, Bisq. The question remains what adding another DEX would change or improve.

If there is a way of making an easier to use DEX, e.g. without colletoral, I do agree that would be usefull.

I can only speak for my own stand on this, but listing fees are a hard no for me. As long as grin has a single working exchange, I do not think it mattters much. Trade Ogre works fine, only if they would delist I would get worried.

On a side note, I hear talks again about the “core team”, core was dismantled in 2020…or are you refering to the Original Council (OC) or do you mean devs who work on the node or wallet or so mething else?

Bisq has moved on to version 2, which doesn’t include support for 90% of its pairs on version 1.

I know usage of Bisq was slim to none for Grin, but it was also not promoted at all. Again, take Monero’s lead on this. Haveno works and it works well. But the community also promotes it as the preferred way to acquire Monero.

On the Grin homepage, there should have been links to Bisq with clear and simple instructions. If the community wants decentralization (and it does) it should not have promoted fragile and centralized exchanges.

Bisq 2 looks neat👌:
-Bisq 2: Now in Beta
If we should focus on a DEX, why not stick with what we have, Bisq, and try to improve from there.
E.g. if we somehow can find a way to get Grin on “BisQ Easy”, so trading withou colletoral, that would create a very easy dectralised on and offramp. Perhaps we can discuss with their developers and if needed consider a bounty.
I think paying for listings is a no, but this is not paying for listing right :thinking:. What are your opinions on this?

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My understanding is that the new protocol may have different requirements which are incompatible with Grin. But you’re right that a functioning version 1 could be a good way to kick off investigations.

I’ve also been wanting to integrate with Haveno because Monero already has a culture of being delisted. Their culture is very much aligned with that of Grin.

In any case, something like that could be a lot better than making our own exchange. Exchanges need as much volume as they can get. And user experience benefits from a larger developer community


If I understood the movie explanation correctly they have support for multiple methods each with varying degrees of ease|privacy|costs. For example it could support the more private and secure method from v1, as well as a less secure method. Unfortunate that Grin does not yet support Multisig, with it, trading without collateral would be easy peasy using Bisq multisig method.

Adding grin to Havano also sounds very sensible. I expect it to take some time for them to be able to support complex coins like Grin. So perhaps first focus on Bisq then Havano. In the end it also depends on whether they are willing and have manpower or Grin enthusiasts available

Grin is too difficult to use, especially when problems arise. It lacks sufficient engagement from the crypto community and, frankly has too few use cases. If you look at the trading volume, you can draw your own conclusions about its trajectory. The only remaining question is whether this could have been prevented.

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If someone like yourself takes the effort and energy to actively keep on posting doom and gloom (for post history click on the user name) to get the price down, that must mean Grin has a bright future ahead and that you must be aware of its great potential :smiling_face:.

It is just so funy when users post things like “Grin is dead”, or “Grin has failed” and “no one cares”, “no use cases” etc. Their own care to post directly contradicts what they say. How can something be dead, failed or uninteresting yet stimulates them to actively post on social media or fora :upside_down_face:? There must be an awesome meme to be made with this concept :thinking::grin:.

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Why not? This is the kind of thing that one would assume would be a high priority. It’s like payment proofs. Grin is still missing basic functionality and the OC is silent, not merging PRs etc.

MutiSig for Grin is quite complex. Its interactive and requires a foward backward dance, e g. A-B-C-B-A. In any other flow, participants can cheat. I will search for a link to a more detailed discussion.

Are they? Which pull request, provide me a list of links please, I want to inspect each one of them.

I stated this before:
OC and CC members are normal community members who volunteer to help Grin move forward.

Both OC and CC are unpaid, have no privileges nor financial benefits. Yes, OC members are most capable. CC members are also on average more capable than most community members. Being more capable does however not mean you are obliged to do anything, its all free choice.
If anything I think we should all not be complacent and ask others to put in the hours. We should all keep on educating ourselves and each-other so we can all do more for this beautiful little project🪄.