Grin community projects - brainstorm & kickstart - funding available

While we are at it, another idea came to mind:

Would it be interesting to create a workflow for Grin airdrops? Basically pre-generated seed phrases to import into a wallet, that was already used to send and accept Grin.
E.g 1 grin per airdrop.

The only concern would be that we have to add some label to the seed-phrase to make it clear to any wallet software that it is an airdrop, and as such should be use only by the wallet to temporary create a key to Move Funds to the wallet. It should be made impossible for the airdrop to be used as a recovery seed.
A simple way to make the distinction would be to use 12 word seed phrases for airdrops, while the recovery seed for a wallet has a minimum of 24 words. Additionally, it would be best to present the seed phrase as both text and as a QR code that can be imported in mobile wallets upon scanning or upon entry of the seed phrase as text on desktop wallets.
=> Grin++ would be most suite for this since the software to generate airdrop images since the software includes multiple-accoun and QR codes generation libraries.
The generate airdrops should be importable by all wallets, so it should be highly standardized, e.g. by using always 12 words.

Of-course this should only be implemented if it does not bring to much hassle to wallet developers and if there are actually people interested in it. Personally, I would love to hand out airdrop flyers giving people 1 grin to insensitivise them to explore the Grin ecosystem.