Seeking collaborators for grin fundraising platform

Hi muggles,

A few months ago I had the idea to make a gamified fundraising site in the theme of grin that would allow people to donate to the project and get something more fun than just a digital receipt in return. It will run on Ethereum at least for now, and the backend is coming along, but the more polished it is the more engaging (and effective) it will be as a way to support grin development, so I am seeking collaborators.

If anyone has the time or interest to contribute anything at all, from graphic design to web design to smart contract auditing or UX design, the hopes are we can get something running that will continue to support the grin team with minimal overhead for a long time. Some members of the community have already offered to look at backend code, and even some extremely experienced UX developers in our community have shown interest. I am optimistic that these efforts will go a long way to open up the scope of possible grin-dev contributors/donations by being engaging in and of itself. Suffice to say it is gearing up to be magical.

At the very least this will help to fund core developers/goals, and ideally would give us a purse to draw from down the line if/when we decided to create a foundation and expand infrastructure. That discussion is well out of scope for now.

Of course as soon as we have an alpha version of the dapp we will open it up to the community and any and all forms of testing will be invaluable, but I know this community is diverse and growing so if anyone has the time/energy/expertise to help in the mean time it would be fantastic. Shooting for a late Q1 release, or early Q2. If you are interested please message me on the gitter (0xb100d) or via email at 0x @t tmgox d0t c0m.

As they say in hawaii,

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Personally I don’t like this idea.
If you want to support devs you can already send them money, there is no need for an over-complicated smart contract.
Also, I don’t want to see Grin associated with another unrelated project, but that’s just me.

to be clear this will not in any way be branded or related to grin, and will make no claims as such whatsoever. the only mention of grin will be on an “about” page that says that funds generated by the dapp will go to the development of grin, at the bottom of the page. It will be tucked away and not used for marketing in any way shape or form. the purpose is not to use the grin name to support this new site/smart contract, but for this new site/smart contracts to support and benefit grin. I’m sorry if that wasn’t clear.

For all intents and purposes this is a completely unrelated project, I am only mentioning it in this community because I know there are talented people here, and that the behind the scenes motivation for this site is to raise more money so that I can personally donate it to grin development.

I wish I could already send them as much as I would like, this is an attempt to be able to give them more.

Three of the maybe ~seven contracts needed for this are already drafted, but still need help with the rest if there are any solidity/smart contract devs who can help out it would be extremely valuable. thanks in advance.

I concur with Aqwa. Considering the craziness/complexity surrounding eth “smart” contracts, I don’t think it’s wise to use it as a platform for fundraising. If you want to support Grin devs, do it directly.

Sounds like your trying to revive the DAO. Don’t call me a muggle, am uoo iz ard

Not at all, this is a very small scale project. We are making non-fungible collectibles of one specific sort (a la cryptokitties). I just happen to be planning to donate proceeds to grin dev.