As well as having spent what is now probably thousands of hours reading, thinking, discussing helping and writing about Grin . At this point I think it’s fair to say that there’s nothing in my life I spent more time and energy on.
I did take a step back recently (keybase message) due to starting school, followed by a mild burnout. During this time I only pushed a few small PRs to the docs.
I believe this does not detract from my past involvement, nor my future obligations as a potential fund member. I love this project and I love this community, always did. It would be an honor to take part in steering some of our development funds.
That brings the number of Community council candidates to 12, what a beautifull number.
I checked, but the number does not have major symbolism in the Harry Potter universe, appart from the 12 uses of Dragon blood:
The GrinCC Seat is literally wasted on this dude, i checked the attendance notes of each community council meeting and it seems he joined only one meeting in the last year. Its really a shame that @johndavies24 didn’t make it into the Council, but instead people like Paouky who clearly have no interest in Grin.
Pauky indicated a while back he wanted to step down since he had less time for the task than anticipated. We contacted some trusted community members (including @johndavies24 ) to ask them if they want to become candidates. The community can then vote which candidate they would like to join the Community Council (CC).
We thank @Paouky for stepping up initially to help setup the CC. More infomation will follow on the candidates and the vote.
@Paouky is a great guy. Nothing was wasted on him. To each their own, he’s free to be busy with life and deprioritize grin. I’ve never gotten back to where I was before being banned from keybase and this forum and I’m not positive I ever will get back to that level of engagement.