Grin Coin wallpapers, flyers, stickers

Lets promote grin :slight_smile:

I start with a wallpaper I hope you like it. Waiting ideas for stickers flyers etc


Awesome! interesting style that fits with the logo and the concept of a coin

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The boundary between the circuit and the logo’s outer black ring is a little too sharp for my taste. Is it possible to have a little gradient or fading there?


Yes, I can fix it. I post it to take opinions and soon will be completed 100% when we decide a common idea of the wallpaper :slight_smile:

Nice wallpaper I think something like this moving wallpaper “laughing man” from Ghost in the Shell SAC but then with Grin would be awesome.

Looked into making one myself but it is a bit out of my field of expertise.


I can create a similar unique grin logo. The main idea for the background are circuits

If you could that would be awesome! Some people criticize it, but I think we can celebrate a bit more the Grin logo, the cypher-punk vision behind it as well as the Harry potter folklore to represent the vision behind Grin
In my opinion Grin is great as a project, but a lot could be improved in the amount of fan art, items etc. available. That is also why I created this topic Grin fan art and merchandize. Because I think it would be good to have some awesome material available to celebrate our shared love for Grin with the world.

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@nirg, just an idear. How about doing the same as in the Ghost in the Shell moving wallpaper, just replace the text " I thought what I’d do was, I’d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." (A quote from JD Sellingers Catcher in the Rye used in GIT SAC), with mimble wibmble mimble wimble…" cicrling around in the black outer circle of the Grin logo. Of course you could also keep the neon-light style use by Ghost in the Shell, basically honoring the style from Ghost in the Shell, only replacing the face from the deaf mute with the cap with the Grin logo.

Like to dig the graveyard :smiley:
If agreed, I can print it on tumbler.
BTW, I’m selling personalized printed stickers for Grin, tested and it’s good waterproof, you can buy it from my website


Hey @noobvie … Pe patient until October please… There are many things to come.