Does news drive price at all?

In the stock market, news doesn’t always drive price, but it often does. It at least acts as a kind of second witness.

Seems like news would also drive price for crypto-currency as well. But does it? Grin performs basically on par with Beam, yet Beam is putting out press releases and such.


I think that it depends on who the stake holders are. Perhaps the stake holders of larger stocks and cryptos have different risk/reward strategies and react to news/rumours more dramatically. I am curious as to who the holders of grin or beam are and their percentages i.e. community, miners, impartial investors.

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I think there might be spill over effect. If someone likes the idea behind Mimblewimble and thinks it is a good investment, I can imagine they invest for example 60% in their favorite coin, the one that did the marketing, and the remaining 40% in other mimblewimble projects.

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Maybe but who knows lol

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There are other Mimblewimble projects? :upside_down_face:

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I was just thinking about how maybe Grin should put out more consistent news like funding the Python implementation etc. but I guess we still have the newsletter.

But it seems like Grin has rallied previously in alt season for literally no reason other than people like the name :joy:


I don’t think I’ve seen grin news drive the grin price since maybe ivan bogati. Grin seems to float on general altcoin market sentiment and probably some sham trading activity.