Does Grin have a wallet strategy for the upcoming wallet wars?

I know that an official GUI wallet is being worked on. But we seriously need to maintain the other wallets that are available to make sure that there are solid options available.

Metmask currently dominates the wallet game" MetaMask is the most used wallet, and it’s not particularly close. As of March 2022, ConsenSys claimed over 30M monthly active users — the wallet game is theirs to lose."

Do we really want Lubin or someone from A16z to come a long and release a closed wallet that they use to monitor everyone? This is exactly what Metamask is being accused off.

While MetaMask and other “Web3” focused applications claim to decentralize control over personal data and increase user privacy, critics have pointed to the default setting in MetaMask’s browser extension that leaks identifiable information to data collection networks and web trackers as a fundamental privacy flaw.[3][15] Also, though the technology is touted as “decentralized”, it actually uses a centralized service, now owned by Consensys, to accomplish all of its transactions.[16]

What is the point in creating a privacy protocol if centralised operators end up dominating access to them?

It’s better to have a strong group of a small number of wallets that can be quickly adopted by the masses before someone with deep pockets comes along and throws 10s of millions to capture the market.

Edit: a little old book.


  1. Sun Tzŭ said: The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.

  2. To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself

  3. Thus the good fighter is able to secure himself against defeat, 1 but cannot make certain of defeating the enemy. 2

4: Hence the saying: One may know how to conquer without being able to do it. 3

  1. Security against defeat implies defensive tactics; ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive. 4

  2. Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength: attacking, a superabundance of strength.

  3. The general who is skilled in defence hides in the most secret recesses of the earth; 5
    he who is skilled in attack flashes forth from the topmost heights of heaven. 1 Thus on the one hand we have ability to protect ourselves; on the other, a victory that is complete. 2

  4. To see victory only when it is within the ken of the common herd is not the acme of excellence. 3

  5. Neither is it the acme of excellence if you fight and conquer and the whole Empire says, “Well done!” 4

  6. To lift an autumn hair is no sign of great strength; 1 to see sun and moon is no sign of sharp sight; to hear the noise of thunder is no sign of a quick ear. 2

  7. What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease. 3

  8. Hence his victories bring him neither reputation for wisdom nor credit for courage. 4

  9. He wins his battles by making no mistakes. 1 Making no mistakes is what establishes the certainty of victory, for it means conquering an enemy that is already defeated. 2

  10. Hence the skilful fighter puts himself into a position which makes defeat impossible, and does not miss the moment for defeating the enemy. 3

I5. Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. 4

  1. The consummate leader cultivates the moral law, and strictly adheres to method and discipline; 1 thus it is in his power to control success.

  2. In respect of military method, we have, firstly, Measurement; secondly, Estimation of quantity; thirdly, Calculation; fourthly, Balancing of chances; fifthly, Victory.

  3. Measurement owes its existence to Earth; Estimation of quantity to Measurement; Calculation to Estimation of quantity; Balancing of chances to Calculation; and Victory to Balancing of chances. 2

  4. A victorious army opposed to a routed one, is as a pound’s weight placed in the scale against a single grain. 1

  5. The onrush of a conquering force is like the bursting of pent-up waters into a chasm a thousand fathoms deep. So much for tactical dispositions. 2


Grin has a water tight strategy :smiley: , "to be obscure enough to go unnoticed, as well as requiring significant amount of crypto magic to implement ".
In other words, implementing grin in existing umbrella wallets is a non-trivial task with little financial intensive. It could be argued this limits adoption since grin wallets are specific for grin. On the other hand, it means we have well defined ecosystem which is less vulnerable to attacks by money grab predatory wallets or other projects. Venture capitalists, will not be interested in Grin, many much more malleable projects out there.

I do have to say that I think being afraid of “wallet wars” is a bit fear mongering. Everyone can chose their own wallet, and as such can also chose open source wallets where they know there is no monitoring and less risk of exploits. In a world of free choice with good choices available (such as community funded open source projects), there is little to fear.

Its like with hacking and security, if you security is 10-100x more challenging to overcome than any of your neighbors, and there is little to gain by attacking you, an attacker will simply make the economic choice to go for the easier and more profitable targets.


For now. When they and others come, you wont be able to do anything.

The reason I am talking about wallet wars is so that we can block any line of attack. Did you read the texts above? It was not meant for show.

To see victory only when it is within the ken of the common herd is not the acme of excellence

What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease

Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.

You were meant to read the texts, not accuse me :

I am having a good day. I am not looking for an argument. My wallet was not working, I saw a line of attack against the protocol, I raised it. If you cant see it, dont say anything, but there is no need to accuse me of fear mongering.

With an ocean of such labor power to draw on, China would appear to be on the eve of a manufacturing development that will act like a continental upheaval in changing the trade map of the world.

Those who judge by surfaces anticipate a development swift and dramatic; to our race a catastrophe or a blessing according as one cares for the millions or the millionaires.

Written 1911, The Changing Chinese, you should read it. Some see the train a mile away, others cant and get rolled over.

Do you wonder why people are saying stuff like this when you start making accusations for no reason:


@011 : ragequit

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Nope. Following the collapse of Syria live. Whatever is happening in the world, these are moments of great change. I don’t fully grasp it, but I know it’s big. Plus, I have never sold Grin.

Anyway, I’m off to follow Syria. I don’t know what weird shit is going on here with all the attacks. I’m staying out of it. @davidtavarez hopefully you can fix the issues with Grin++ soon.

Nothing personal against anyone one, or the CC. I was pissed that a wallet I used for years just stopped working.

I don’t understand what the issue is.

If metamask adds Grin, that would be fantastic. It would be good advertisement for Grin.

If people want better privacy, they will use other wallets like Grin++, Grim, etc. The existence of metamask doesn’t destroy alternatives. Or am I missing something?

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Exactly, free choise. Its not a threat to have more options to chose from.


The people don’t know they Want better privacy. Majority of the time, they don’t care. So why not make it easy for them from the start. I don’t get why people are against maintaining wallets that have already been funded. Metamask is a surveillance tool, so what’s the point of developing a privacy protocol then ceding ground unnecessarily.

Look, the US just spent 25 years, killed 100s of thousands, and spent trillions to fight Islamist, only for them to hand over a whole dam country to an Islamist organisation in the heart of the middle east.

Supposedly, the most sophisticated militaries and intelligence agencies in the world could not foresee that if they weakened Hezbollah, which was propping Assad, it might lead to his downfall. This has to be one of the worst strategic failures in world history. This is no exaggeration. These clowns are helping rip apart state structures that have been in place since WW1/2. The consequences from this are far reaching.

Things are falling apart, and it looks like it’s accelerating and no one is in control. Von Neumann can we survive technology.

Fund the wallets asap and stop playing around. No one had a problem with the 3 ground keepers, but you have a problem maintaining wallets.

Yes, I have a problem with ceding ground to people like Lubin when there is no need to.

Either you are idiots, Fed’s, deliberately sabotaging wallets for personal gains(likely trying to develop your own wallets), just don’t really care/busy, or x. Whatever angle you are approaching this from, there is 0 justification for you to be against funding the maintenance of Grin++.

Honestly, I have always thought to are a Fed. Nothing personal chief. :joy:. Something about you, I just don’t trust you!

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I admit it! I am a top federal reserve banker who secretly tries to sabatage the most promising decentralised crypto project to have ever existed🙃.

Now go forth to X and make sure to tell the world of my evil genious insidious plan.


I’m really confused. Forgive me for not understanding. But it seems like you ran into one niche issue and are now assuming that the wallet is abandoned lol. Grin does have wallets that are maintained. I’m not sure why it’s not more timely, but I have to assume it’s because of a lack of developers. Not sure how to fix that.

“Ceding ground”? Are you aware that it’s an open protocol? How are we supposed to block someone from making a wallet?

They are funded… but how do we get more developers? Where do we find them?

Who is against that?


No, they have stopped funding Grin++, a wallet that I have been using for 4 something years with 0 problems. Lets also not forget Grin++ helped with a little inflation problem!

You block them by not ceding ground. Make sure that there are wallets available and maintained. So that when people do start using it the first and only option to get widespread adoption is open source.

I would send a link to Grin++ and Tradeogre to people for years. Now what? I have to go and tell people to change wallets? To what?

You dont just leave wallets that have been used for years unmaintained. There is no one developing wallets for Grin apart from the people here. This group has first mover advantage, plus years to provide a wide variety of wallets. CC split the funds and, how many wallets did they fund?

They are not funded. @davidtavarez is not being funded. From what I have seen, he could maintain Grin++ & Ironbelly. I think he only asked for 4k a month for work he was doing on Grin++. But you Einstein’s would rather fund 3 ground keepers, whatever the hell that is for 1k-2k+ each a month(if I remember correctly) . :joy::joy::joy:. How is it that Grin++ AND Ironbelly are not being maintained and you claim that they are funded?

Ask the CC.

Why is my Grin++ wallet still not working? I saw a guy complain that it has been not working for 3 months, and they told him to download Grim. :joy:.

Fed as in law enforcement( FBI…).

Stop trying to make me out like one of those nuts on Twitters.

I said I dont trust you. I dont. Something strange about you over the last x amount of years. Not, I dont like you, thats normal. I dont like many people. Its the fact that I dont trust you and I dont even know you. Thats strange. Very rare. You are the only one who stands out on this forum(for me at least).

There was an article in Wired 2016-17, might be 2015, anyway, the Fed’s were very into Bitcoin at the time. Ill try and find it. But here is Mr Burns, CIA:

“Director William Burns said on Monday that the intelligence agency has “a number of different projects focused on cryptocurrency” on the go”

“This is something I inherited. My predecessor had started this, but had set in motion a number of different projects focused on cryptocurrency and trying to look at second- and third-order consequences as well and helping with our colleagues in other parts of the U.S. government to provide solid intelligence on what we’re seeing as well.”

Im sure governments all over the world are looking into this tech. Is it really hard to believe that a government agency would embed an agent into something like Grin?

I got my eye on you​:smiling_imp:.:joy::joy::joy:

No need to, you do an excellent job of making that case yourself.

There is something about you… maybe it is that you keep on posting general FUD links… perhaps, it is you making claims about me in “the past X years” just after showing up on the forum and without knowing me… I got my eyes on you mister :eyes: and I am getting ready to raise a troll alarm :warning::troll::warning:

Ok Fed. I see no comments on the Fed…

@davidtavarez @david it is criminal to leave Grin++ without anyone to maintain it when there are funds available.

Oh, Fed, I’m gone. I know your MO. I’ll save you the time and trouble of labelling me a troll…

Where did you get that information?

Metamask only adds tokens that are already popular. Popular tokens already have good wallets.

You really think metamask says “oh they already have a good wallet, we can’t add the token now.” No, their whole value proposition is convenience. People use them because they want all their tokens in one place.

If someone wants to sacrifice privacy for convenience, that’s on them. Not everyone has the same priorities as you.

Why can’t you recommend Grin++ anymore? I’m still trying to understand the actual situation here. Are you assuming that the developer(s) abandoned it because they supposedly (I haven’t seen proof of this) are no longer funded?

Literally everyone in the CC supports funding wallets.

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New invented rules. I think this discussion should be taken more seriously.

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@Anynomous has hidden my posts. He could not answer the question, so hid it. Ask him to remove the block.

With all due respect, @011, drama does not help the Grin project. It might turn away people that could have been helpful. I’m someone that thinks locally, because locally is what I can check the veracity of. You dared @anonymous to counter your claim. You both discuss about matters that neither of you can check by yourselves (how many people died in some war). You both are relying on third-parties for information (news outlets), but are they reliable? How is this counting being done? Is it an estimation? How was it estimated?

The newspapers and other broadcasting media knows the audience is unable to check their claims and they have took advantage of that to lie. I know they are lying, so I stopped watching television, listening to radio or reading newspapers. The news that matter for me are those that concern my immediate reality (“the cats need food”, “it’s raining today where I live”).

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