I don’t know. But with the information you gave, I would like to know, also. What I like not that much about your post, is that it is mixed up with the final statement, because for me it seems kind of polemic. In a kind that might make some people feel uncomfortable working on the project. But I wish that people feel comfortable while making grin work. Especially the CC works on a non for profit base. You are sad that Grin++ is not working as a charm. Are you?
I think in the OC node, was a new more efficient method to download the initial blockchain state implemented. As far as I know, (and I don’t know for sure) the new method was not implemented for grin++. My Idea is that the new grin++ nodes do not find nodes that support them for downloading the blockchain with the old method.
Metric: I’ve personally been using it for about 4 years. Most people I know used it. You want numbers, go ask the Fed.
Yes, OC funded It, which was an excellent descion, and people are/were using it.
As the so called community council, the least you/they can do is maintain it.
Where is the mertic that Ironbelly was more widely used? Most people I know, or I saw talking about a wallet, they mentioned Grin++, not Ironbelly.
Which project? There was a thread over a year ago, a guy made a list of all the wasted funds. I’ll try and find it. There has been a lot of waste by the community council.
Look, I don’t want to get into an argument. The only thing I and others used was Grin++. At the very least the CC should of maintained it. We don’t care about this bridge, atomic swap or photon swap.
Maybe you can fund David to maintain it if he has time. It is absolutely ridiculous not to while coming up with x or y project to fund.
Today a failed coup, tomorrow a missile sinks an aircraft carrier kills 1000 sailors.
This project is ment to be minimalist. Let’s get the basics right.
So, am I not allowed to be critical if $1 million is spent by the CC and they can’t maintain the Grin++ wallet? It’s the only thing I expected from them and they could not even do that.
Here’s the link to the thread showing the waste of funds:
I’m not interested in arguments or to attack people. But I’m pissed off that the wallet can’t be maintained.
I would love to see more wallets (or the same wallets) funded by the CC, but I think Grim enjoys not being beholden to anyone and just doing their thing. And I’ve been told that the official GUI wallet has already been funded and there’s nothing to add there.
Not sure what else the community council can do. What ideas do you have?
Btw, the community council is very much aligned that we need to focus on the basics (wallets). There are multiple people in the council that strongly oppose chasing after superfluous things when we don’t even have a wallet that can handle a usable payment proof flow.
Why dont you ask the grin++ developers why dont they maintain the wallet?
Why dont you ask to the OC why they stop funding grin++ ?
Have you read that link? it is written that grin++ funded by CC multiple times.
I think you get a new forum account, and you draw attention from Core to CC community, before the Grin community questions the current situation of Grin in the crypto ecosystem after all many years, no barely adoption.
You are misdirecting the community professionaly.
I never said that they funded them. By promoting Grim, I meant that they cut funding for Grin++ when Grim was released. So, they were indirectly promoting it by cutting off funding.
Personally, I think funding the official GUI wallet is another great idea. They can do things like programmability like Tromp wrote about some time back. I also think funding Grin++, Grim, Ironbelly is also a great idea. Some like Grim, many like Grin ++, and Ironbelly also. I see absolutely nothing wrong with building solid foundations for Grin.
It is better to build multiple solid wallets now, so people will have options in the future. Instead of leaving the field open so when the time comes and more and more people start using Grin, you get X corp sweeping in and spending a few millions to race ahead and dominate 90% of the market.
There appears to be some kind of wallet wars in the digital space. Better start fighting it now before your enemies enter the field and overwhelm you.
I’m as king the COMMUNITY COUNCIL, because you are meant to represent the COMMUNITY.
Like I said, I’m not interested in getting into an argument. I’m pissed off that a wallet that I have been using for years just stopped working. I even send people links to Grin++ and Tradeogre with instructions.
I’m not missdirecting, and defiantly not professionally. . They have already started saying you guys are a Psyop on Twitter. What do you expect? We use privacy coins, and are a little distrustful.
Also, we are seeing things like a failed coup, Ompa Lumpa back on the throne, and shit like this below. No country is safe. No missile defence can stop your power grid from getting pounded, or your bridges… Only option is to pack up and move. So, when some of us check on one of our tools and find it’s not working, we are not going to be happy. Don’t take it personal chief.
Lol, I get your frustration. I also happily used and supported Grin++ for years. I woud advice you not to spend too much time on X. Its toxic, full of misinformation and full of conspiracy loonies. Go BlueSkye and stay sane.
I agree it’s unleashed all the nutters under Musk, but where would you get such an open discussion about how useless and a waste of money the F-35 is.
Manned jets have been under attack for years, but the discussion was always on the sidelines… this guys comes along, puts out a few tweets and everybody is talking about how useless they are.
Soon, they will realise that all the major powers are defenceless against modern missiles, and all the jets and missile defence won’t save them from a counter attack.
My bad phrase: grin++ funding has no relation with GRIM wallet.
CC has funded grin++ , then Grim wallet appeared, grin++ not upgraded long and people transitioned to GRIM Wallet which is easy to use.
OK. noted. Eyes wide open about such stuff but that is in the hand of community.
I questioned the defacto situation but community did not back up, they never question the authority, blindly trusting. If you have suggestion, i will listen it.
If @davidtavarez was working on grin++ and contributing to Ironbelly, why was he not asked to maintain both of them?
He only asked for 4k a month. If I remember correctly, there was a time with 2-3 grounds keepers at 1-2k each a month.
If he is up for It, he should definitely be funded to maintain them. I can’t stress how important it is we have a very strong wallet game before people flood into Grin.
Why does council fund these silly third-party projects? The cli works fantastic. If someone wants to build a third party software, that’s on them to fund themselves. The “minimal mimblewimble software implementation” known as Grin needs ZERO third-party software. All council funds should be used towards the development of the core mimblewimble framework, nothing else.
The core stuff is funded by the OC. And it’s already funded. The only thing they could use is more developers, not more money.
The “third party” stuff is funded by the CC because we already have an OC funding the core stuff. Having said that, even the CC is trying to focus on baseline functionality, even with the “third party” contributions. The point of the CC is “community”. Community means third party.
Yes, silly, that’s why Metamasks dominates and it’s propriety software.
It matters because we are in a war whether we like it or not.
Silly to you, but VCs are already pumping 10s of millions: Crypto wallet start-up Deblock has reportedly raised £13.3 million in a seed funding round led by Headline, Hoxton Ventures, Chalfen Ventures and 20VC, according to a report by Sifted.