Can’t connect to any peers anymore.
I just re-synced the entire chain, which only worked at the third attempt. Now grin is running, but I am also having trouble finding peers and staying in sync.
20190219 20:52:35.742 INFO grin_servers::common::adapters - Received 1 block headers from
20190219 20:52:51.166 INFO grin_servers::sync::syncer - synchronized at 98075351393988 @ 50402 [000002160f45]
20190219 20:54:31.309 WARN grin_servers::sync::syncer - sync: no peers available, disabling sync
20190219 20:58:11.613 WARN grin_servers::sync::syncer - sync: no peers available, disabling sync
Something is a little strange here. I am seeing a lot orphaned blocks and duplicate txs. Most peers are marked as defunct. Hmmm.
20190219 21:10:55.615 DEBUG grin_servers::seed - monitor_peers: on, 7 connected (7 most_work). all 981 = 14 healthy + 0 banned + 967 defunct