CC Fund: expenses, responsibilities, spending guidelines and follow-up processes

Nice overview graphs :rainbow: :bar_chart:
There a few things I can say here.

  1. Yes, buying the community miners turned out to be a bad idea in hindsight, since the timing was wrong (even though we got 20% discount), and since it takes a lot of time to setup and maintain.
    However, we have to be clear here. These are not decisions made by the Community Council, but by the community at large. Neither can we or the community predict the future :crystal_ball:

  2. Yes, not all funding requests turned out perfect. I do not think this can be completely avoided, but I do think there is a few simple fixes:

  • Fund after completion, except for regular our Ground Keeper who has proven himself to be trustworthy.
  • We only need one Ground Keeper, simple true and cost saving
  • Endless administration… not the solution IMO. Administration puts people of and requires time which we do not have or have to pay for which is a wast of fund. Keep things simple, but clearly define deliverables, check them.
  • Status tracking, this was a good suggestions and we are doing that now.

As expressed before, I am personally fine with pausing spending until the BTC price is >30k$ with the exception of funding tasks that we deem essential for the future, e.g. PIBD implementation for Grin++.
However, in the end it is up to the community. If the community thinks we should already spend funds on implementing Nostr, they can up-vote this funding request:

Personally I am still torn on whether it is worth the money right now (due to low BTC price). And yes, I would have preferred it if the API part for the Client would already be finished before any new funding for Grin++ since these were the deliverables for the last funding request of @davidtavarez.

I have seen similar post and discussions in the past. They happen at least ones a year. In general I think there will always be criticism on Governance, attempts to improve them, some changes turn out right some turn out wrong. This is a natural process , and we should have these discussion now and then. What I want to warn about is the danger of complexity (e.g. to much administration), or to much putting weight on the governing body (in this case the Community Council). In the end, simplicity, clarity and transparency (not at the cost of complexity) are key. Al decisions are made by the community and are publicly discussed, so do not criticize from the sideline, but get involved in the meetings like @l33d4n did or make suggestions to improve governance here (but do your research), participation is the key of proper governance :+1:.