The CC (Grin Community Council) is an illegal entity and must be folded back into the GF. The donation to Grin were given with “Donor imposed Restrictions”.
The donations were given to the people who administered the last donation, not the CC. As far as I am aware, restrictions can be explicit or implicit. From my reading, they are very clear in who they wanted to control the funds, and what they wanted it spent on. It is also the judgment of the core team that they trusted, not some mythical community members.
Anyway, the restrictions are below and very clear. You may choose to ignore them, but it seems to me that you are giving out funds that you have no right to and therefore you are ALL personally liable for funds you are gifting. As a member of this community I reserve the right to reclaim for the community the funds you are gifting so freely.
Donor imposed Restrictions:
I know how you treated the last donation, this is why I am contacting you.
I don’t judge you on how to spend just want to make sure you can process it and distribute it as you need
It feels like 2009/2010 again
Don’t worry, you are doing great.
It’s wonderful that we have GRIN now, our motives are not economical! It’s about the technology and the protocol.
Please put it to good use for the development of GRIN.
You keep working as you did in the past.
We saw your work and your ethics towards the project and your interest free work.
This is what we are honouring right now with these donations so that you can work freely on GRIN. Without economic dependencies.
Thank you again for your work and please keep it this way.
Hopefully we judged it right, time will tell.