Announcing the Grin++ Wallet! (finally!)

Why do people use Apple products? Because they just work, and they all work together.

When someones sees a .app mac os application, their assumption is it will just work fine, first try, without any messing around.

I expect to futz around with source compiled in terminal, I expect not to futz around with an .app. The official wallet and wallet713 both worked fine first try (compiled from source) as did the

Unclear to me why you would release a developement wallet when there are so many other working options

Let me know if this fixes your issue.

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0.7.2 Works! Thank you

I’ve used wallet713, Niffler, and the official implementation pre-mainnet. David is the only developer with updated docs, GUI, multi-user wallet and TOR/Grinbox/File support. Also who else fixes bugs this fast?

Grin++ has the best user experience with the most wallet focused features. I don’t even know what the Wallet713 guys are doing anymore.

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I’m sorry you feel that way. Grin++ was developed as a windows-first node and wallet, but was highly reviewed and ended up being requested by dozens of Apple users. I reluctantly decided to create a mac version since, despite what you say, there are not “so many other working options”. Unfortunately, doing so has led to real headaches for myself (because mac doesn’t “just work”).

But the biggest problem is not necessarily Grin++, but the Grin protocol in general, which is very young and fragile. The sync process relies on downloading a massive zip file from a single peer, and to make matters worse, most of the peers on the network (running Grin, not Grin++) are actually serving bad zip files due to a bug in 2.1.0 and 2.1.1. This can cause syncing issues and data corruption, and I’m working hard to make this less frequent, but it’s a challenging problem to solve. fwiw, grin also corrupts data frequently.

The reason your “3 other Grin wallets” all work fine is that they are all sharing the same node data. Grin++ uses a different storage method, and it got corrupted. If Grin’s node data corrupted instead (which also happens frequently), then all 3 of those wallets would stop working instead.

Anyhow, thank you for your feedback. I encourage you to reach out if you continue to have problems. For quicker responses though, I recommend using the Grin++ telegram channel at


obvs from a dev standpoint, mac doesn’t “just work”, it’s actually a bitch and I get that.

from a user experience side tho, it does work well.

I deleted the old version, I deleted the mainnet/node, and grin++ gives me the same error.

no big deal, I was just checking it out because I’m interested in the project, so I’ve been messing around with all the official and unofficial software.

I’m pretty excited about mimblewimble as a cryptocoin privacy protocall, I’m not particularly fond of either of the existing implementations so far.

I get that given 90% of all PC users are on windows, for more mainstream adaptation a primary goal would be to support those users first.

But I don’t see the point in releasing broken macos apps, given the experience mac users are used to. A command line application that actually works is better than a gui app that doesn’t.

I was drawn to grin because the official node, wallet, and miner claimed to support linux and mac. The node and wallet worked seamlessly first try. The miner has been a challenge. Maybe the experience for a windows user is different.

The only way grin is going to find widescale adaptation is if it’s easy for people to mine, given mining is what powers the blockchain. The downside to grin being easily minable is that most miners quickly exchange their grins for other coins, so the constant selling drives the price down. Most miners want profit, and won’t hold because they fear the coins losing value. The only miners interested in holding are the ones who want to mine as a source of generating free grin for personal use.

This starts with it being easy for the largest number of users to be able to receive their coins. That’s why I’m excited for your wallet project, because you hope to make it easy for people to receive grins. Probably it would be better if you drop mac support than releasing apps that don’t work, and I say that as a mac user (I was a windows user since version 3.0 was current, and I went over to the dark side when I needed better stability in processing audio, video, and photographs)

Another thing that attracted me to grin was the supposed gpu mining optimization, I’ve yet to get my gpu hashing (or grid ing idk) so I wouldn’t know. Looking for a privacy coin to mine on my gpu while my cpu mines something else.

I’ll probably hang around here and see where this project goes, but there’s definately ease of use issues preventing any widescale adaptation of this coin. As I said your wallet might be a start. Maybe when you solve the wallet issues you could look into building at least a solo miner into it like some of the other coins have in their official wallets, so that people who just want to support decentralization of the project can leave them running

Have you run Niffler at all? It actually keeps the grin process running in the background on close, which conflicts with Grin++ (and all other nodes). In activity monitor, make sure there are no Grin related processes running.

Also, which Mac OS version are you running?

I have run niffler, I’ll check that.
I’m on catalina

checked, there were no other grin processes running anywhere.
same error, don’t worry about it

I have to worry about it. Otherwise, how can Grin++ ever go from a “broken” app to a stable one? :slight_smile: It works perfectly fine on all of my macs.

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IDK I thought it might work on my other mac pro running sierra which has never had any grin application installed on it ever, but it makes the same error on that box too

Only High Sierra and up are supported. I sent you a message.