Grin++ is LIVE on Windows!

After many months spending late nights coding, testing, debugging, and pulling my hair out, I’m excited to finally announce the beta release of the Grin++ node!

For those unfamiliar with Grin++, it’s the only other complete implementation of the Grin protocol. Written entirely from scratch in C++, it was designed from the start to be modular, customizable, and lightning-fast.

Although the UI makes the core client’s TUI seem fancy, behind the scenes, Grin++ packs quite a punch. There are still a ton of optimizations left to be made, but already there have been noticeable performance improvements around syncing, block validation, and block/output retrieval through the Rest APIs. Additionally, a whole new suite of APIs are currently in progress that will hopefully soon allow Grin++ to serve as a high-performant backbone for many block explorers, mining pools, exchanges, etc.

Please note though that this is a beta release, and as such, there are likely lots of little bugs. Also, in addition to the wallet (releasing in March), there are several things still missing (eg. IPv6 support, Incoming connections, documentation). If you come across any bugs, or would like to request a feature, please create an issue here:

As always, if you have any questions, would like to contribute to the project, or are interested in integrating Grin++ with your software, I can’t wait to hear from you! My email is easy to find, and I’m on Gitter ~22/7, so don’t hesitate to reach out.


:confused: I hate that someones making noob bait; I avoid putting coins on my main linux setup, desktops are just inherently poorly designed for security, windows is worse of all, pushing poeple towards smart phones wallets should just be standard practice. Desktop tools can be more secure when you do them right, sure, but your average user is not going to do the “glacier protocol”.

Please tell me youve put hundards of warnings, taken every precaution, maybe run a heuristic looking at the size of their start up list, and saying “hey grandma, you have 5 botnets on your system consider not holding coins on this system”; your going to enable allot of idiots to lose allot of money with this otherwise.

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Well, Grin++ has no wallet (yet).

Great work, David!


I would argue that a windows desktop is far more secure than a Linux box being operated by someone who doesn’t know or understand Linux and is simply running random commands they found on a forum post. Without question a Linux box can be more secure but to declare it to be true in spite of the users potential for complete incompetence ignores the reality of the situation. It’s not even necessarily anything to do with actually being attacked. Odds are that most of those users have no idea how to backup their wallets or implement even the most basic data protection in what is a completely foreign environment to them.


Yea, there’s no wallet yet. But I’ve spent months working on this, and I’ve been in close contact with the guidance of the core developers every step of the way. It’s not like I sat down and quickly hammered out some sloppy code over the weekend as “noob bait”, whatever that means. I’ve made it clear this is a beta release, and I refuse to officially release anything that I’m not confident is going to keep users’ coins safe.


You’d both be wrong and missed that I don’t consider my main linux box secure.

Random windows box is a hellscape from the somehow still lack of functional package management in #currentyear; theres ninite for getting started if your in the know and if someone is really sucking Microsofts cock their store, but thats going to be a minor part of the ecosystem; in reality you need half a dozen pieces of software for any set up which you got from random web search, then rapidly clicked thru an installer. Theres man in the middle attacks, whatever random install tool adding random tool bar and ad ware, from day one; I’d take a the average user on a ubuntu install over myself on a windows machine.

They are trying to fix it, but the windows store isn’t there yet; getting a windows machine up and running means manual boring downloading and loading software where anyone is likely to be careless.

some sloppy code over the weekend as “noob bait”


Your writting software to hold money on a windows machine; your code could be perfect thats not what I’m worried about.

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Once again, this is NOT a wallet. Still, it sounds like your goal would be to see everyone using a smartphone wallet and not running a grin node on a desktop. If you got your way, the grin protocol wouldn’t work. There are so many things wrong with everything you’re saying here, but I get the feeling a rational conversation with you is probably out of the question. I’m sorry you feel I’m making a mistake. Have a nice day.


Amazing work, keep it up.


a rational conversation with you is probably out of the question

. . . .

If for some reason your amazing software to have ever graced my eyes, is ever used extend into making wallet, please in your infinite wisdom, seek to minimize stories like this for the mere mortals amen

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Thanks for your hardwork. This is a useful and necessary addition to the Grin ecosystem.


In contrast to some of the other comments in this thread, thank you for your contribution david. No one is forced to use it, and any option that people have to keep their coins off of exchanges or mining pools is appreciated.

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First ‘Rule of Thumb’:
Anyone and everything can be hacked!
@2nd: Linux is way more secure than windows, no matter even if a person doesn’t know what they’ re dong!
(I don’t even know what I’m doing half the time, but I just use ‘common sense’-like Google 2 Factor, etc.)

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Grin sounds great project but will deem to fail. Too complex for normal Joe.

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Give it time and simplicity will come. We are so young right now.