Announcing the Grin++ Wallet! (finally!)

Not sure if it should be a proposal, I’m from Vietnam and can buy GRIN from Poloniex buy USDC without any issues. In case you need help, I could buy GRIN for you.

If Grin++ wallet doesn´t work for you for now, use Niffler wallet instead.

Works perfect for me and it´s super easy. I use “receive via Hedwig” to get my Grin.

Niffler wallet has a hedwig v1 relay service , which enable User without public ip receive grin really easy :slight_smile:
In other words, You could withdraw grin from any exchanges and miner pool effortlessly .

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Hi, I have the Following error message everytime I restart the wallet. What should I do to fix it pls? (I have looked on several forums (GitHub and this Grin Forum but I Don’t find the solution). Thx !

Delete : %userprofile%/.GrinPP/MAINNET/NODE

Then re-open your wallet and you should be back in business.


Just tell me at least one wallet that works with Grin

grin-wallet, Grin++, Niffler, ironbelly, vite, wallet713…

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There are no wallets. We are all just LARPing.

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I have found Niffler very user-friendly and robust.

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I would like to thank you because it works perfectly now that I have followed your recommendations.


Thank You! This worked for me also for v0.6.4. Must re-download chain but it works.
Delete: %userprofile%/.GrinPP/MAINNET/NODE

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@david Hi. Just updated from 0.6.4 to 0.7.1 on Mac. Full sync with all outputs.

I’m having problems Receiving Files. I uploaded file sent from pool. When I hit receive button, 0.7.1 flashes white and goes back to User-specific wallet home. I have tried with two different pools and tried turning off TOR feature.

does tx file need to be in special format now? Could my pools be using an pre-hardfork-compatible tx format? Thank you

It should support pre-hardfork and post-hardfork slate files. I do most of my testing on windows, so perhaps I broke the mac version. I’ll investigate and get back to you.

OK, thank you for quick response.

One last bit of info. I used Inspect tool and noticed a React-Hot-Loader error saying:

misconfiguration detected, using production version in non-production environment

Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.

Thanks for the info. You’d be surprised just what you could find inspecting the frontend. Everytime I update dependencies, I get 100 new warnings to deal with. A lead UI dev is desperately wanted. The job pays nothing, but has really cool perks like endless support questions. Let me know if you know of anyone interested :joy:

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There is an issue with receiving on mac. I’ll get a fix out today.

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The Wallet is nice, It’s a great step in the right direction, really good first step.

If Grin wants adaptation and decentralization they need a gui miner.
Grin will have to be easy to mine before it becomes mainstream.

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Screen Shot 2019-12-31 at 11.07.53 AM

is this the issue?

No. That’s different. I’m releasing 0.7.2 now. Once it’s out there, delete ~/.GrinPP/MAINNET/NODE and install the new version

I deleted it, I have 3 other grin wallets that work

For this issue, try closing app from the red X on the window rather than cmd+q or topbar for entire app. If that doesn’t work delete /NODE folder