Nice meme. This post is only to allow more posting, since the last three post were by the same person, no new post can be made.
In honor of Grin’s near death experience with the recent inflation bug attack.
The meme explains why it is awesome to have two completely independent node software’s that run the consensus protocol. Also the meme eternalizes @david 's heroic actions in these darkest of times in a way that transcends time and space, by making him into a meme
Haha, admittedly I haven’t read the books, and only saw the first movie, But I love the context lol
If I was not out of pocket money, I would order this lovely Grin wall clock from tmgox:
Hah, haven’t seen that.
We are now up to a bounty of 77 total grin! David B donated either 20 and/or 11 grin, will verify.
I just want to say I think it’s awesome the community uniting for a common cause!
A few more days left, super impressed with the contributions so far. Grin on, time warriors
This is really creative, and paints grin a suble way. I’m going to use it for my desktop wallpaper
I will upload 1920x1080 size to fit in your desktop
That would be lovely thank you
Herewith I want to upload my ‘master-piece meme’. It is meant for all the old and new Cypher-punks among us.
Cypher-punk thinking is from all times :
“To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest it is in parables, so that seeing they may not see , and hearing they may not understand .” Matthew 13:15
This meme honors those who came before at the beginning and challenges those who came after them. Have fun.
@mcm-mike Deze kan je op meerdere manieren interpreteren, zowel positief als negatief.
@Anynomous Daar heb je helemaal gelijk in
I am really fond of memes with multiple layers and interpretations
I think we should switch back to English but yes each meme to be effective has to have sometimes several levels of understanding.
A wallpaper for all the Grinners out there The God particle (1920x1080 resolution)
I added an onion (tor) and lorenz attractor
You deserve that bounty man Thanks a lot!