2023 Meme contest, anything goes, just have fun Meming!

best frens 4 ever
please appreciate my artwork
og art creds: https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeTemplatesOfficial/comments/ms8iun/pepe_resting_by_a_campfire/


Spoiler of MEME-text (without trigger).

Fellows, after weeks of thinking I got the idea of a meme, that associates grin with a sleeping lion. Soon, I will start implementing it. So please stay exited. It will be so great!

trigger warning and 4MB sized animated gif


What is the lion dreaming of?



You mean sum of kernels, not kernel excess signature…

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:yellow_heart: Thx, I will fix it and re-upload. I always count on you to check my limited knowledge of Grins technicals :sweat_smile:.
I got the information from:

I think on the wiki it is an example of a single transaction, could that explain why only a single kernel excess signature is mentioned? Maybe the the difference is whether you are talking about a large aggregated block which is basically one large transaction, or a simplified example of a single transaction before aggregating. Or does a single transaction have multiple kernels. Please keep correct me if I am wrong, these memes are meant to be fun and educative, so getting it right is rather important.

Edit2: @tromp I changed it to say sum of kernels, should I delete the part of the fee? I think the fee is part of the kernels?

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Not sure what you mean to say. Can you provide a quote from the linked docs that suggests a signature can be part of balancing values?

You should keep the fee, which is required to balance the values. The signature just commits to the fee (it’s part of the signed message).

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I got the kernel excess Signature part from:

See Link
The wiki is giving an example of single transaction being constructed. I left out the range proof part, I should have done the same for the signature part I guess since it has nothing to do with the balance. In the above screenshot you see TX fee is shown as part of the Kernel, but not in the outputs, which got me confused, I would expect the fee to be an extra output.

Regarding the single or plural use of kernel(s). Is it correct that single transaction has a single kernel, and an aggregated reaction/block sums up all the transactions kernels when aggregating?

Outputs are Pedersen commitments, so fee is not an output. It’s just the difference in value between inputs and outputs. And it must be committed to in the signature to prevent certain shenanigans.

I think of kernel as referring to the public excess that is used as public key in the associated signature.

Current software doesn’t create multiple kernels for a single tx, but there is nothing preventing that and it’s perfectly possible.

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Solomon Linda 1939

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There is a lot to see in that Lion meme, still trying to wrap my head around the interpretation.
I know the feeling, some memes are only understood by their creator:

About time I remove the grins from the treasure wallet behind this meme.






I changed the order of the Anakin Padme 4 Panel Meme, to reduce the inequality, to the original scene. It must be far more fair now.

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This one already looks like a classic

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