[WTS] [Script] Vast.ai Script for cloud mining Grin

Selling the source code of a Node.js script that automates bidding and Grin mining at Vast.ai instances. Enables you to bid cheap GPU instances for cloud mining.


  • C29 and C31 mining
  • Auto-bidding
  • Auto deleting of stopped instances
  • Auto outbidding if less than max
  • Auto configs the GPU instance via SSH when the instance is started.
  • Can be configured in any pool.
  • Only compatible with “grin-miner” rigth now.
  • Stop bidding more instances if surpasses daily USD limit
  • Configurable daily USD and percent profit (Can be positive or negative, if you want to outbid.)
  • Automatically calculates GPU costs and apply a % as max bid. For example:
    RTX 2080 Ti generates 0.05 $ per hour. Set maximum percent profit to 10%. The script will bid instances for 0.045 $

Price: 1 BTC . Accept other crypto like Grin or ETH.

Installation in your server/vps included. Linux server only.

DM me if you are interested.

PS: If this is not the correct category, please point me out to the right one. Thanks!

PS2: Instead of selling one license for 1 BTC. Would you like to use this software with devfee?. Supporting Grinminer Fair license.

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Do you have some demo or trial? I’m looking for similar script who auto configs the GPU instance via SSH when the instance is selected from vast ai console ?

Could make a small demo in your vast.ai account. PM me so we can start it!

The script looks great, but it’s too expensive for me… :confused:

My original idea was to sell only one license of this software.

But can also release it with a dev-fee, supporting the Grinminer fair license. Could you be more interested?

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i would be interested in a script with a dev fee.
otherwise the price would hardly make a return right now :frowning:

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@kartojal I’m interested too … any updates?

I am interested too, any updates?

I am interested too, any updates?