VOTE on Grin's Mission statement

There are weekly dev meeting, if you can get convince … lets say 3 devs that a “Chesterton fence” document is necessary with your raw enthusiasm; I’m help.

@lehnberg can I get an item on the agenda?


Whatever it takes. I’m off in my little corner, which I intend to turn into a wing. We all need to put our heads together. I need information and to glimpse through your eyes. And then we have our magic for trials to come.

But why do you believe it should be inversely proportional to the user base? Care elaborating? I don’t see why would you want to do that in any economic system.

The only way you can track your user base is by authentication and at the point you introduce identity management as a prerequisite you likely lose censorship-resistance.

So you call the current emission schedule a mistake then propose something way more complicated which also makes the network censorable.

Mission Statement:
“A lightweight, privacy-focused, eternal, hard-money asset for the free world.”

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User base is our best guess on price without factoring in inflation(literal definition), and the mining reward is the coins dropping * price. And coin reward is inflation any sort of math with inflation is either infinitely recursive or adds new exciting mining attacks if calculated.

So you set a price of security generated per block that the economy is losing for electricity as whatever you want it to be. As this is a negative externality you want to minimize it to something; the difference between a sun worth of energy and a galaxy worth of energy to break an pow are not meaningful differences in risk to me, at some point you do want to pull back pows.

I’m not overly concerned if moving a trillion dollars is a few day long operation to get enough confirmations.

The only way you can track your user base is by authentication and at the point you introduce identity management as a prerequisite you likely lose censorship-resistance.

Which I’m not for, I’m saying to guess a user base growth rate prelaunch and the dev team are engineers who like fancy math. Like I said not worth fighting for.

I don’t think this is the only metric you need for price. Which network would you value more: a 1 billion users online casino or a 100 thousand users financial ecosystem based on a censorship-resistant, privacy-focused transaction ledger? Number of users is a misguided metric on its own and trying to figure out a formula here, especially when we are talking about a global network, can only go wrong. Also, making the mining returns constant ignores the fact that mining equipment and electricity are still priced in fiat which is inflationary by design. You are messing up incentives pretty badly.

I see ownership of currency to be roughly equivalent to owning stock in an economic system, and one of the most valuable things is human labor, even still in the morden world.

So 1 billion has 10x the labor.

I don’t think its ok this poll ended :frowning: we should be able to continue the voting procedure

We are still discussing options for a mission statement since not everyone was happy with the choices.

What do you think it should be?

We will figure this out. It’s needs to stop your heart. We need to punch hard at Grin. This is no or ordinary child. They must see us for what we are. Grin is the revolution born again. It is the result of 10 years of failed experiments. This is the last one. We end this with Grin. :fist_right::robot:

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Come to my corner. We have another kind of magic there. And we need human energy. And we need to talk and work together. We cannot shoot from the hip. We must synchronize.

Lightweight is only meanful to the people who created this. It means nothing to the target it was intended for. We do not sell tech specs. We sell the vision and the possibility for a new world. If I read this. It has to matter. I want to melt when I feel the heat from Grin’s Fire.

But so far you punch the hardest. We must meet each other. That is correct. I will be in touch.


GRIN The 10-n-1

Instant • Private • Infinite • Empowered • Fair • Fun • Mineable • Spendable • Tongue-Tying • Money

ツ01 Instantly send money that matches the way you communicate. Choose what works for you: text, email, http, tic-toc, snail-mail, wallet, or billboard in the sky.

ツ02 Privacy period: 'Address-less, Key-less, Elliptic-ness’. Dandelion Relay with random walks and deployments at a distance ensures your protection. Designed to auto erase while transacting on elliptic curves. Inputs and outputs are randomness.

ツ03 Infinity ∞: The unique emission rate of 60 GRIN per minute leaves the other coins speechless. Range proofs are used to reduce the blockchain size making it light as a feather. Includes quantum resistance for longevity.

ツ04 Empowering. Is GRIN bitcoin 2.0? Well yes frankly, here’s why; Freedom through technology. GRIN allows each user to address their own needs and thresholds of personal sovereignty. Accept payments directly and say goodbye to funnel-necks to your money. Your Keys = Your Grin.

ツ05 Fair. No pre-mine. No founders reward. GRIN node verification. All coins equal.

ツ06 Fun & Fungible: It’s no secret you can meet amazing new friends with GRIN. Each Transaction gives you the chance to adore the person you are sharing Slate Files with. Any amount of GRIN makes a great gift.

ツ07 Mineable. Two Cuckoo Cycles that mine Graphs Per Second. Pool ready. GPU boosted, slowly introducing large scale mining.

ツ08 Spendable: Coffee, tea or tinctures; Grin is were you want to be & with no fees. It’s easy to accept Grin at your brick and mortar or online store with a Listener and an open port for sending over http connections. Spend and replace or grab and go GRIN.

ツ09 Tongue-Tying. Grin is a MimbleWimble protocol written in the Rust language. 2-part Pedersen commitments with Coin Joins. Adopted & loved worldwide.

ツ10 Money. Grin is hard-money, freshly minted and untainted. Community driven: gift to the developers directly. Found on top exchanges with volume. Atomic Swap ready.


I’m curious about the nuances. Looking forward to opening this up :wink:

Combining aspects of the first two:
“A privacy-focused, scalable, medium of exchange.”

I think calling it a currency or cash or money one of our volunteer legal afficionados said we should not do. Digital also probably goes without saying. Maybe MoE is not well known and something more like “means of exchanging value.” I don’t know. Cash and currency are the most common-sensical but it is a bit of a paradigm shift and also maybe legal gray area? We are not trying to onboard laymen at this point anyway, so among the people we are hoping to get to use grin they can be expected to know what medium of exchange means, probably significantly more informational than “cash” or “currency” to cryptocurrency people even.

I also would love to slip in the word “neutral” as it insinuates freedom, fairness, global nature and decentralization all at once. I loathe politically worded/philosophical meanings attached to our one liner. I think neutral reflects there is room for everyone’s politics/philosophies. Use it for what you want.

"A neutral, privacy-focused, scalable medium of exchange."

To develop and maintain a neutral, privacy-focused, scalable medium of exchange.

Neutrality is hard but that’s the mission at least.

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This one is a toughy! Hard to summarize into a nice short mission statement…

“Grin is…” and then it just devolves into a quiet chuckle, and builds into ominous cackling laughter. Like the end of the michael jackson song thriller, but more cypherpunk.

I dunno, haha, I’m going to have to pick a fav, so many of them are so great!

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@Numecca I love your writing!

I thought this too. That it was a death march. It was weird, sort of a ‘silk road’ moment for me.

In 2013 I thought bitcoin only had value because you could buy drugs from the silk road. When the silk road got busted, and the price didn’t drop to zero, it all clicked for me.

Flash forward to now with grin, I saw the emission model, and thought ‘that’s retarded’, and started to move on, but had another silk road moment, took a look at the charts, watched the markets, and suddenly realized that if it were a death march the chart wouldn’t look like this, the volume (although some fake) wouldn’t look like this. Somethings up, did a bit more digging, and it all clicked.

Anyway, I’ve been enjoying reading your comments. You write very honestly, and come across genuinely and I like it that way.

People have been throwing around the phrase “better money” (or at least I’ve seen @igno.peverell has taken to using it as a sort of tag line) but I want to point out that that was the trademarked slogan for e-gold back in the day ( [line 249]

So it’s not really original (although it is nice and simple).

I have been thinking a better tag line is “no more funny money.” It works with the shit eating grin and expresses the same thing more or less.


Better money was taken, maybe if we tweak it a little… ‘better cash’

@0xb100d I like your idea too.

This is actually very hard. I’m going to think on it for a bit. Maybe I’ll get some inspiration at magical crypto conference. YEAHHH!