What is the status of grin atomic swaps?
- I see in April 2018 @jaspervdm published regarding a successful Grin-ETH atomic swap. But, it appears to have required a change to the grin protocol (thus the use of test net) so maybe dosn’t totally count.
- I see in April 2019 @jaspervdm may have gotten some financial support for his effort on GrinSwap. That repo went stale in Oct 2019 and jaspervdm went silent on Github (March 5th 2021) and this forum (Feb 22, 2021). Per Github, GrinSwap was not completed.
- I see that in May 2021 a Github author named GeneFerneau (@gene on this forum) submitted a merge request for atomic swap. I also see that his GitHub account has been quiet since Oct 20, 2021. It looks like his last related post was here in a theory discussion with tromp (maybe having found a non-resolvable issue?)
- I see that in Feb 2023 @theGrinReaper started work on atomic swaps (link to forum post). @theGrinReaper seems to have started anew and did not pick up with GeneFereau’s pull request. That post has now been stale for over a year and @theGrinReaper has not been online since Oct 2023.
What’s the status on grin and atomic swap? It seems GeneFerneau’s may have gotten the farthest. Was it reviewed and found wanting? Is it just too complex and so keeps being put off while we await someone with appropriate skill and volunteer time to review it? GeneFerneau merge request was to the wallet (not the core protocol) so if it was a wallet side only task, do we know if anyone merged it into a fork and tested it?
What is the state-of-the-art in Grin and Atomic Swaps?
(Update: I also found this 2019 technical specification/paper on grin-bitcoin atomic swaps which I am reading now…)