Niffler, An out-of-the-box open sourced Grin GUI Wallet

Still nothing after hours… I am pretty sure the problem has nothing to do with my os or firewall. Everything looks dead. Not connected peers in local grin node, status is not running. I changed the rules in connection and nothing changed. I still have the weird problem with my passwd. I log in after 10 or more efforts…

Except if sync is not visible. I ll leave it all night open in order to see what will be in the morning…

for the infinite “Waiting for peers”, here’s a shortcut… close the wallet (Grin++), then go to C:\Users\[USER]\.GrinPP\MAINNET, rename the folder called NODE to _NODE (or whatever) and open Grin++… this will download the chain again, but you will have everything up and running again.


it seems grin node sync problem.
Right now the option is delete the old blockchain data, and sync from a refresh start.

so what is your operate system?
if you are mac, delete file ~/.grin/main/chain_data
if you are windows, delete file C:\Users[USER].grin\main\chain_data

then restart Niffler, and the grin local node should works

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yes, your grin local node works, just wait for it to complete
then “check balance” should be super fast.

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I use linux. I checked niffler in fedora 32, arch linux and debian and I have the same problem. I turned off firewall also.

I dont see a file named chain_data. The file “chain_data” is nowhere. I have a file named wallet_data. Maybe another file in .grin causes the problem in my case.

I ll try to send a small amount in my grin wallet. Maybe that works

"2020-05-28 09:08:16:303 [debug] Platform:linux
2020-05-28 09:08:16:652 [debug] Mainwindows created
2020-05-28 09:08:17:979 [debug] Render main window mounted:height null; owner_api running?false;wallet exists? false
2020-05-28 09:08:18:333 [debug] start owner_api got: 20200528 09:08:18.100 ERROR grin_wallet_impls::node_clients::http - Unable to contact Node to get version info: Request error: Cannot make request: an error occurred trying to connect: Connection refused (os error 111)
20200528 09:08:18.110 WARN grin_wallet_controller::controller - Starting HTTP Owner API server at
20200528 09:08:18.114 WARN grin_wallet_controller::controller - HTTP Owner listener started.

2020-05-28 09:08:18:344 [error] getAccounts failed:Error: Network Error
2020-05-28 09:08:18:345 [error] getHeight failed:Error: Network Error
2020-05-28 09:08:18:346 [debug] Get local node status failed: Error: Network Error
2020-05-28 09:08:18:347 [debug] Try to restart local grin node.
2020-05-28 09:08:18:357 [debug] gnodeProcess PID: 17095
2020-05-28 09:08:18:364 [error] start grin node got stderr: /tmp/.mount_NiffleENep9D/resources/bin/linux/grin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

the chain_data should in ~/.grin/main/chain_data if you are use linux

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Well after a new installation of other linux distro (linux mint) and installation of niffler dependencies (gconf2, gconf-server, libappindicator1, these dependencies are not used these days in arch linux or fedora, they are available in debian based distros and ubuntu) I log in my wallet, nothing appears but local node shows syncing still at 0/711032. Also grin blockchain data growing but really slow… I will wait to see if that works in some hours. I want to ask something.

Niffler node version is MW/GRIN3.0.0 and my 8 connected peers dont have that node version. Is there any possibility to be in confict these versions? And where I can configure newer version of grin in niffler?

Thank u

The wallet is still in a strange situation and errors. I will wait for a new version or the niffler upgrade node to 3.1.1. I cant connect to grin node. Hope that the problem fix will be soon.

what’s the specific problem?
show me the grin node sync log screenshot

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I reinstall niffler. I cant log in. Wrong passwd, even if its correct. Thats the first serious problem. No peers connected local node not running, no logs… Here is my grin-wallet


20200601 09:53:47.225 INFO grin_util::logger - log4rs is initialized, file level: Info, stdout level: Warn, min. level: Info
20200601 09:53:47.225 INFO grin_wallet - Using wallet configuration file at /home/undergroundpunk/.grin/main/grin-wallet.toml
20200601 09:53:47.230 INFO grin_wallet - This is Grin Wallet version 3.0.0 (git v3.0.0), built for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu by rustc 1.39.0 (4560ea788 2019-11-04).
20200601 09:53:47.291 ERROR grin_wallet_impls::node_clients::http - Unable to contact Node to get version info: Request error: Wrong response code: 401 Unauthorized with data Body
20200601 09:53:47.301 WARN grin_wallet_controller::controller - Starting HTTP Owner API server at
20200601 09:53:47.304 WARN grin_wallet_controller::controller - HTTP Owner listener started.
20200601 09:55:58.369 INFO grin_wallet_impls::lifecycle::default - File /home/undergroundpunk/.grin/main/grin-wallet.toml configured and created
20200601 09:55:58.374 WARN grin_wallet_impls::lifecycle::seed - Generating wallet seed file at: /home/undergroundpunk/.grin/main/wallet_data/wallet.seed
20200601 09:55:58.377 INFO grin_wallet_impls::lifecycle::default - Wallet seed file created
20200601 09:55:58.383 INFO grin_store::lmdb - Resized database from 1048576 to 134217728
20200601 09:55:58.389 INFO grin_wallet_impls::lifecycle::default - Wallet database backend created at /home/undergroundpunk/.grin/main/wallet_data
20200601 09:55:58.407 INFO grin_util::logger - log4rs is initialized, file level: Info, stdout level: Warn, min. level: Info
20200601 09:55:58.407 INFO grin_wallet - Using wallet configuration file at /home/undergroundpunk/.grin/main/grin-wallet.toml
20200601 09:55:58.407 INFO grin_wallet - This is Grin Wallet version 3.0.0 (git v3.0.0), built for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu by rustc 1.39.0 (4560ea788 2019-11-04).
20200601 09:55:58.411 ERROR grin_wallet_impls::node_clients::http - Unable to contact Node to get version info: Request error: Wrong response code: 401 Unauthorized with data Body
20200601 09:56:18.444 ERROR grin_wallet_impls::node_clients::http - Get chain height error: Request error: Cannot make request: an error occurred trying to connect: deadline has elapsed
20200601 09:56:18.446 WARN grin_wallet_libwallet::api_impl::owner_updater - Updater Thread unable to contact node

And this is what i see when i check balance.

In my opinion there must be a bug or an upgrade issue that must be fixed… I ve never experience something like this. Whats wrong with passwd login? As the days passing by i need 15-20 efforts to log in and theres no sync. It has nothing to do with my os or firewall rules. Its a niffler problem and believe me its serious security problem especially if there are funds in the wallets. Hope to see soon a solution except telling me that node must be sync. Its not synchronizing.

I read many people experience problems same to me so its not a problem or a connection issue that depends on me

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1 do install other grin wallet? if so, it conflict when start at the same time
2 even you reinstall, you still need remove the old chain_data (~/.grin/main/chain_data) manually.
3 do you change the node default config? I think for most user default node config is good enough

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  1. I did not install other grin wallet
  2. I have removed everything manually. (.grin, .niffler, niffler, everything)
  3. I did not change node default config.

sorry, I found one of my remote grin node does not run properly yesterday.
Now, it’s fixed.
try again


Wallet is running fine for me now! :slight_smile:

Thank you xiaojay! :slight_smile:

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Thanx bro! The problem fixed. My transactions are back and the passwd problem gone (remote grin node was the problem for passwd errors)! I also replaced the mw grin version 3.0.0 with the latest 3.1.1 in folder /opt/Niffler/resources/bin/linux/grin where “grin” is the replaced file version 3.1.1

I checked niffler also with the default firewall rules in gufw and firewalld in 3 different linux os (arch, fedora and debian) in vm and everything is 100% working without conflicts or errors.

Thanx for your help… :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture:


Check your remote node, I receive errors again

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got same issue with wallet.
Recovered after a long time - zero balance !

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Remote node is ok.
Try check balance again