Mining profit - with best server + cheap electricity?


So i am pretty new to bitcoins and mining concept… so just want to make sure I understand this correctly… I am trying to see if I can supplement my income :wink: Before anything - is mining still profitable? Say if electricity was almost free and I had the best machine Inno g32-1800 - what is the potential to make profit?

#1. What machine to buy?
I need to buy one or two of these machines below I am assuming they are the best to mine with?

Innosilicon G32-1800
Innosilicon G32-500
Innosilicon G32-Mini
FusionSilicon X1 Miner
Dayun Zig Z1 Pro
Innosilicon A10 ETHMaster (500Mh)
Bitmain Antminer S17+ (73Th)

#2. What pool to join? After I buy them, I just need to join a pool like Slush Pool and pay them 2% of profits… ??

#3. I just need to install a mining software (which one is the best one??)


It sounds like you are mixing up grin mining with bitcoin mining.

I wouldn’t expect to make much money. Mining is difficult to do profitably.

I’ll let someone with more experience answer your other questions.