Lost grin (shown as locked)

Hi! I have a problem. Some grin dissapeared from my wallet.
I can see them with status “Locked by previous transaction” when i do “grin wallet info”.
When i do “grin wallet txs”, i don’t see any outgoing successfull txs (and past 5 my outgoing txs are cancelled)
When i do “grin wallet outputs”, i see that first 4 of my incoming txs have status “locked” (sum of them is locked) and past two have status “unspent”.

Is there a way to save these coins?

Try grin wallet check

i’ve tried to

20190330 23:17:26.406 WARN grin_wallet::libwallet::internal::restore - Identified 2 wallet_outputs as belonging to this wallet
20190330 23:17:26.408 WARN grin_wallet::command - Wallet check complete

20190331 21:37:29.702 ERROR grin_wallet::node_clients::http - Post TX Error: Request error: Wrong response code
20190331 21:37:29.702 ERROR grin_wallet::libwallet::api - api: post_tx: failed with error: Client Callback Error: Posting transaction to node: Request error: Wrong response code
20190331 21:37:29.702 ERROR grin_wallet::command - Tx sent fail: Client Callback Error: Posting transaction to node: Request error: Wrong response code
Wallet command failed: LibWallet Error: Client Callback Error: Posting transaction to node: Request error: Wrong response code

https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin/issues/2212 why is this closed? same issue as i see

This may be an error with your .api_secret file (used by the grin node to authenticate clients). It should be found inside your ~/.grin/main directory (or whatever directory is used by your grin node and wallet).