I’m trying to build the wallet (version 3.1.1) in Ubuntu 18.04 but my system is not producing a “grin-wallet” executable. Is there a step-by-step guide somewhere? The documentation available in the doc folder and on the github wiki doesn’t seem to address this [and I’d prefer to build the wallet on my system rather than download a binary].
Also, is the process described in tls-setup.md needed to build the wallet or get it communicating with the node?
The grin node/server seems to be working fine. I toyed around with 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 wallets sometime back but that was before grin-wallet was parceled-off into its own git repository.
I’m comfortable with the bash command-line but a rust newbie (so not fully understanding the config files that I’ve poked through trying to get this to work).
(Last week I was using the wrong command in step 3 [cargo update] and I’m not sure if I looked in the target/release subfolder after attempting to build before.)