Grin, the most exciting thing since bitcoin for me. (Bitcoin hardware porn inside)

Here is a little bit of my collection. I also have the 21 bitcoin computer, the paper wallet printer (forgot the name Piper?), a bunch of awesome grin swag from TMGOX, I’m probably forgetting some other stuff.

Oh and, i had those keycaps made. I actually smashed the buy button before I thought to come tell you guys about the idea. I’m impulsive, what can I say? Best of luck to you all, be safe out there.


Sooo cool. Who is the keycap source if i may ask? Will cite you if I make some for TMGOX.

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Thanks! I got them from Merchbox on etsy.

@0xb100d Also just lol’d imagining a caps lock key that says ‘max caps.’

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you are on a roll grumpy

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I hope Casa updates their software in order to run grin (node) inside their Casa Node.



Here’s an updated pic. My new esc :slight_smile:


Is that how you escape the tax collector?

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Haha, no. I always try to play by the rules. Never cheated in college, and I always pay what I owe by law.

This esc button initiates a sequence where 9 top of the line drones come and hoist me away in my chair to a very pretty place in Utah, while the ducktales moon theme plays in the background.

Haha awesome! I still have my Piper paper wallet printer. That thing was cool.

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