Grin Fund for Mining Idea

To follow up this idea:

Now that more G1 minis are for sale: What if the community council purchases a batch of G1 minis( 60x) which are split 6x ways between each CC member. That way we are not bootstrapping random community miners/ or relying on a single entity to manage them in a mining facility. Instead, we’d be allocating them to people who are already trusted to control Grin dev funds. It also mitigates centralization risk if miners are going to 6x different people, in different locations/ countries.

-Each CC member would be responsible for maintaining the G1 minis they were allocated.
-All G1 mini’s would be pointed at a pool the community selected and all mining rewards would be sent to a new CC Grin wallet( i.e a New Community $grin fund)
-Each CC member could request to be reimbursed each month from the $grin fund for their power cost if they elect to. However, there would be no financial incentive in it for CC members.

Additional Pros:
-This would give us the ability to grant lots of smaller $grin funding requests, making rewards more aligned with Grin’s success( Many in the community seem to have an issue with contributors being paid in $btc and not $grin). It’s also a good way to dollar cost average a portion of funds into $grin and supports the network/ eco sysetm at the same time.

Additional considerations:
-CC members might be in locations where electricity costs are high and mining might become a cash bleeder
-Instead of pointing them to a pool, solo mining is another option.
-G1 minis are quite loud, so might not be suitable for CC members to be running 10x from home
-Other trusted community members could be considered to fill the role of CC members who can’t participate in this. eg @johndavies24 who created this thread.