@davidtavarez Progress Update thread (August-December 2022)

The list of changes is accumulating.

  • Added early support for Accounts.
  • Added support for Tor Snowflake.
  • Added support for obsf4 support for Tor bridges.
  • Added endpoints to add, edit and delete tor bridges.
  • Added get_new_slatepack_address to get endpoint on demand.
  • Updated tor binaries.
  • Added snowflake-client and obsf4proxy binaries.

Testing all the changes before releasing a beta version, making sure that upgrading the database to add Accounts support does not break anything.

  • Users can now delete wallet from initial screen.
  • Improve availability checker code.
  • Moved availability checker API to new server.
  • Applied feedback on PR #168.
  • Fixed settings updater from UI.
  • Remove unnecessary logging.
  • Removed more unnecessary P2P logs.
  • Removed more unnecessary Tor logs.
  • Fixed Snowflake configuration.
  • Improved Tor Bridges configuration in general.
  • Added more tests in regards of Tor.

Time for showcase and asking for feedback here.

Now it is more clear to setup the number of outbounds and inbounds preferred connections.

I added more endpoints and settings: Preferred, Allowed and blocked peers.

Bridges! I added snowflake support, in order to enable the Bridges, you can just either turn on the switch or add the Obfs4 bridges inside the textbox. Obfs4 support it is also new in Grin++

I added a new button to generate a new address on demand.

Delete wallet but making a right click.

All of this and more will be available on v1.2.8 soon.


Looks great! If you create a new address, there is no way to switch back rigth? Or can you toggle between old and new address, like multiple accounts?
Can’t wait to try this out :tada: :grinning:.

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Is there a yes-no confirmation follow up message if the “Delete wallet” button is clicked?

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can one of the new options help for a quick sync to a local LAN node?


Rsync, just copy that folder :floppy_disk:

If I run a public node with grin ++ will be an amazing piece of art…

Waiting the release v1.2.8 :smiley:

Can we send/receive grin from-to generated addresses?

Is there any possibility in the future to generate vanity grin addresses? For example grin4ever9rxg8dncwucveux46rx8420mxzwwdtc5dvsg4t4grghnrfbsjio9ik

Hi, I’m still running Grin++ 1.2.6. Are there any security patches? Otherwise, I will just keep running 1.2.6.


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Grin++ v1.2.8 (beta 2) is out for early testing :crossed_fingers:

The first thing you will notice are 3 icons in the upper left corner. The first one is for configuring the Node, the second one is for changing the P2P settings, for now, edit the Preferred, Allowed and Blocked Peers. The third one is for configuring Tor.

Node settings.

Now it is easier to set the number of outbounds and inbounds connections, instead of setting the combination manually, the UI will set the parameters for you, just specify the numbers.

P2P settings.

If your node is stuck using slow peers, just add the list of preferred peers in the text box and click Save. You can also configure the list of blocked or allowed peers to improve your privacy.

Tor settings.

Bypassing censorship has never been easier. From the Tor settings panel it only takes one click to start Tor using Bridges in case you are in a country where Tor is blocked. Snowflake and Obfs4 bridges are supported.

Also, you don’t need to exit Grin++ to get the Obfs4 bridges. Click on Add Obfs4 Bridges and follow the instructions, when you are done, copy the list and paste it into the open modal and click Save.

Generating a new Slatepack address after receiving.

You can also generate a new address by clicking on the Refresh button next to the Copy button.

Of course, you can confirm the action.

But also, this can be done automatically by disabling the reuse of the address from the Tor settings panel.

More APIs and improvements.

A few more endpoints were added to the API to configure the node and wallet, and tor. The routes might change in the future, but for now, the main purpose of these endpoints is to test the new features and see how useful they are. I want future developers to embed the node where they need it and develop on top of it. More fixes have been added to also improve P2P selection and avoid getting stuck on unresponsive peers.

If you want to test this beta version, remember that it is a beta and many changes have been introduced. If you find something, please open an issue on Github. I will continue to improve the API and may add one or two features to the user interface.


Grin++ Wallet and Node v1.2.8-beta.3 published.

What’s Changed

  • Removed current listener before generating new address.
  • Fixing tests.
  • Fixing database issue on newly created wallets.
  • Added capability to decrypt Slatepack messages created from old addresses.
  • Replacing tor binaries for macOS taken from GitHub - tor-actions/versions: Tor binary bundles
  • Supporting Slatepack messages created using old addresses.
  • Fixed recovering wallet after v1.2.8 migration.
  • Closing password dialog after deleting wallet.
  • Extending timeout for API calls.
  • Displaying error on failed attempt of finalize.
  • Updated Russian translation.
  • Removed extra logs.

Release Grin++ Wallet and Node v1.2.8-beta.3 · GrinPlusPlus/GrinPlusPlus (github.com)


Grin++ Wallet and Node v1.2.8-beta.4 published.

What’s Changed

  • Fixed peers endpoint: accepting empty array.
  • Fixed Accounts table migration.
  • Sorting peers list.
  • Fixed status indicator.

You can download it here for testing purposes:

  • Fixed issue that blocks restored wallets.
  • Fixed UI crash after waiting for more than 60 the response from address availability checker.

Known issues

  • Discovered 2 bugs when sending the max number of spendable coins.
    1.- Wrong fee calculation when there is low balance.
    2.- This type of transactions are sent successfully but the status is not updated in the database.
  • I’ve been working on adding the owner v3 wallet aPI on Grin++ RPC API.

I’m afraid it will have discrepancy for a while since I disagree with the returning structure, but that’s a topic for later, meanwhile most of the endpoints will be available.