Change grin forum sign up process?

I was. The reason generally was that keybase “was the right tool for the job”, even though keybase wasn’t a widely used tool. Keybase was open source, open access, and provided a good set of security/privacy features. 2/3 of these no longer hold since Zoom’s takeover of keybase, so I no longer think Keybase is a good fit for us, but I think the original decision made sense.

And I would think we apply that same logic today. Pick ‘the right tool for the job’ as defined by something that is open access, open source, and has sufficient privacy/security. We have not in the past cared if people knew about Disqus or Keybase, so I don’t see why we would care in the future if people know about Nostr or whatever other tools we use. Users don’t mind installing new tools if the tools are simple and don’t require excessive data/permissions.

I think the entry point should be as minimal as possible where general audience is the target and installing a new app is less minimal than registering through email for me (might be for others and that’s ok). Do we really need to change things though? I don’t really see any gain personally (for forum or for keybase, and i know that since zoom took over it’s less private).

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For me it is simple:

  • email = 40 billion users, 0 technical understanding needed.
  • Nostr = 1.1 million users, some technical knowledge is needed (luckily less and less)

So yes, Nostr would be cool to use, but just like we saw with other cool more distributed alternatives for chatting that we tried as community e.g. Fediverse, it soon dried up because to few people go through the hassle to make an account.

I agree. I don’t know how we got hung up on installing an app though. Nostr is available via web, and kiwi.nostr offers a PWA for convenience (which is just a browser bookmark fwiw). Just like email.

Great question. I don’t care too much, the forum is sufficient for me (except 99% of the ‘real talk’ happens on keybase without me, lol). I was merely correcting some misconceptions about Nostr and Kiwi, so people can make a more informed decision.

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creating another user/pass combo is a huge barrier for me. i’m shocked i felt compelled to make one here. i guess i had burning questions to ask haha

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I use keybase on my desktop and never installed it on my phone…


Sorry… install keybase on their device*

Completely unknown. This is an off the shelf forum software with hosting. The proposal in this thread would require custom design and maintenance.

The forum is just a tool for us to discuss Grin which is the topic. Grin is not here to revolutionize forum registration.