I created archive node true that will allow all peers. what could be best use for grin?
I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking.
But you should open port 3414 on your firewall to the node to allow incoming connections.
I have forwarded my port in router to allow full incoming node. Shall I place it on test net? Does it use same blockchain?
It’s not the same blockchain, but we can always use more testnet nodes, looks like there are only 14 online right now. You’ll need to change the peering port in grin-server.toml to 13414. Hope to see you on there soon. I host the node that produces blocks for testnet.
Edit: also set archive node to false, archiving doesn’t work on testnet
okay great to hear. I will do that this weekend. why does archive not work on testnet? where do the blocks come from?
The blocks come from my node hosted on https://grinminer.net.
There is a miner the community purchased pointed at it and I take all the tGrinツ and pass it out to anyone who asks.
that is great to see. do you believe testnet or mainnet is more useful for the community at this time? this is why I did not reset my node
We can always use more nodes on testnet. My main testnet node only has 3 peers currently.