I tried running ./install_ocl_plugins.sh on mac os Mojave. But I’m getting this error: cp: target/release/libocl_cuckaroo.so: No such file or directory
Building ocl_cucka(r/t)oo doesn’t seem to create the .so files, so I have no files to move to the plugins directory.
I’m only getting libocl_cuckaroo.(d/dylib/rlib) files on target/release directory.
Someone said .so and .dylib files are equivalent so I moved libocl_cuckaroo.dylib to plugins/ocl_cuckaroo.cuckooplugin. But now, I get this error when I run grin-miner:
‘can’t build trimmer: Can’t find OpenCL platform’
please read my guide for linux here: AMD grin-miner error
you need to check your grin-miner.toml configuration file again. try to set the “platform” variable from 0 to 1 or 2 in the plugin configuration section
install_ocl_plugins.sh moves target/release/libocl_cuckaroo.so totarget/release/plugins/ocl_cuckaroo.cuckooplugin
I moved the .dylib files instead.
this error, ‘can’t build trimmer: Can’t find OpenCL platform’ seems to be because I set platform as AMD. I should set it as 0 because MacOS has its own opencl implementation.
I also set device as 1 to point to the mac gpu.
The miner runs now, but I’m encountering an error. I think because my GPU only has 4 gb memory.
I heve RX580s 4GB aтв when i run the miner it normally launches and when it says STARTING it immediately changes to NO MEMORY status. Also it has a messaage saying “GPU Ellesmere ID 0: unable to allocate buffers, out of memory?”. I suppose it is because of the 4GBs of RAM. Are there any plans to enable these version to mine too, if so when? Thanks.
there is only one miner available for 4gb amd gpus afaik, the one provided by minerbabe.cn os. but, you have to install the whole os on your rig, not just the miner. and the hashrate is just 1/2 compared to 8gb amd card.