2021 a NEW HOPE and thnx to our mighty DEVS and contributers

Happy new year to Grin community and thanx to all! Best wishes for 2021.

Want to thanx to our current contributers and the previous ones. They really worked hard,put their best efforts in their own way,keep the running ツ.

Mostly they were in the charge,they lead;even sometimes ,some of us think the way didnt desire,they faced all criticism and swallowed bad manners. Yet they stayed vigilant and firm. They established the trust which is the core principle of all.

Thanx to you all,i hope and believe Grin will march forward with you,sail safely in uncharted waters.
And social channel admins,and who spread the word

and apology if i miss someone,you can add.


A great community, a great project, it would be even better if you can list the plan for 2021.