Happy New 31,536,000 GRIN seconds


In 2022 we had some challenges to face but in general GRIN is going to the right direction.
We are and still are a very small community and I liked how we worked together as a community.

Lets share some thoughts and wishes for GRIN here:

  1. What do you like about GRIN?
    1.1 What do you want to see next year for GRIN?
  2. Why are you still here working on GRIN?
  3. What can be changed to make GRIN better ?
  4. Do you run a GRIN node (Grin++, rust GRIN) :smile: ?
  5. How many people did you help setup GRIN wallet?
  6. …

Share your thoughts and some GRIN memes for the next 31,536,000 GRIN seconds in 2023.


Happy new year to all you!

I like grin. Alot.

Besides the technicals, i think grin has a nice brand.

Been a long time lurker, just started securing the network-running a node.

I wish to get more involved next year, maybe in the dev area, but i lack xp and i do only web stuff.


Lets share some thoughts and wishes for GRIN here:

  1. What do you like about GRIN?
    Minimalism, interactivity, privacy and scalability with no compromises
  2. What do you want to see next year for GRIN?
    Grin GUI, PIDB on main-net, a top-up/share-funds, air-drop via temporary wallet system
  3. Why are you still here working on GRIN?
    I found nothing better in crypto than Grin so far, and I doubt there will be anything better than Grin any time soon
  4. What can be changed to make GRIN better?
    sub-teams made by community members, more freely developed community build code on top of rust GRIN and Grin++. More fun activities and projects, e.g. physical meetups, memes, T-shirts, masks etc.
  5. Do you run a GRIN node (Grin++, rust GRIN) :smile: ?
    both, obviously
  6. How many people did you help setup GRIN wallet?
    Only one. Setting up a grin wallet is so simple people do not need my help in general, I only tell which wallets they can chose from
  7. Even more minimalism!
    Among others spending of Community Funds should be more minimal. I am in favor of funding only key developments since I believe Grin will be around for the decades to come, so funding should be spend over those decades. We can do more as voluntary work and fun projects which is more in the spirit of decentralisation

Best wishes to Grin and I hope that in the new year:

  1. The computing power of the whole network mining machine hits a new high
  2. More branded mining machines participate in Grin mining
  3. The Grin ecosystem grows further
  4. Grin becomes easier to use
  5. More people around the world will like Grin and become fans

Simplicity/minimalism and other unique properties i.e. full wallet control, tx flexibility & uniformity, proof of being able to spend

The core properties are still there.

Node: PIBD activation, pruning mode
Wallet: gui, contracts, stability under stress, coinswap

  1. What do you like about GRIN?
    The technical implementation is more like a peer-to-peer cash system (cash transaction model), and the issuance is more fair.
  2. Why are you still here working on GRIN?
    Be optimistic about his future potential, and more people will know that this is a real coin
  3. What can be changed to make GRIN better ?
    Technically continue to iteratively update
  4. Do you run a GRIN node (Grin++, rust GRIN) :smile: ?
    During this period of time, I changed the computer, reinstalled and insisted on running it
  5. How many people did you help setup GRIN wallet?
    If you encounter any problems, you can see them in time and help them in time
  1. What do you like about GRIN?
    MInimalism, grin’s perspective and excellent documentation about mibmlewimble and grin, that helped me understand grin better.
    1.1 What do you want to see next year for GRIN?
    Even more people with vision and practical ideas.

  2. Why are you still here working on GRIN?
    I don’t consider myself “working” on grin. I do however consider myself part of the community because I run a node, mining and deal with grin on a daily basis. So I better put my case to those who contribute in grin with their own way :wink: Why am I still here?
    “Grin was started with as fair of a launch as possible” Ignotus Peverell

  3. What can be changed to make GRIN better ?
    The attitude of those who claim to be grinners and undermine it with their whining :stuck_out_tongue:

  4. Do you run a GRIN node (Grin++, rust GRIN) :smile: ?
    rust GRIN ( and generally test Grin++ and rust GRIN on different Linux OS and BSD systems)

  5. How many people did you help setup GRIN wallet?
    I helped a very good friend of mine to run rust wallet on his computer.

Happy new year to all of you! 2023


I heard about grin from theymos (bitcointalk administrator ) when he gave his first comment on grin. ([ANN] Grin | PoW Mining | Electronic transactions for all. Community driven.) . Just shared the link so everyone know.

theymos mentions “Note that due to the way grin emits its coins, prices are likely to start out high and steadily drop for the first few weeks/months.”
That was a rather optimistic estimate, price dropping was and might still be for years. Although I think there is a decent chance we are already establishing a bottom.

It was’not the same as Bitcoin at first 4 years ?

1 Like

Correct, Grin’s supply is the same as Bitcoins supply the first 4 years. Due to the halving of the Bitcoin supply after 4 years, people expected the price to start going up though. So in anticipation you would expect people to buy in earlier for Bitcoin, anywhere in the first 4 years. With Grin, there might still be some time, although buying in now while dollar cost averaging does not seem like a bad strategy.

Worth noting that there’s a very big difference between Bitcoin and Grin’s first 4 years. Bitcoin’s first 4 years accounted for 50% of the total supply while Grin’s first for account only for 4% of soft total supply.

Yep, so when looking at supply, the supply relative to the current amount of a coin is not so interesting.
Grin and Bitcoin are the same in the first 4 years when looking at the supply relative to the existing amount of Bitcoin at any given time. But if you take the long term view, so knowing the hard cap of Bitcoin and the softcap of Grin, it is clear that any investor might hoard Bitcoin from day 1, while for Grin waiting a few years is a better strategy.