Warsaw meeting with David and Marek

Hello all,
Here is my summary of the meeting in Warsaw that happened with david and marek. (I confess, I’m a bit late haha)

First, we had an amazing afternoon, it was my first time meeting GRIN people in real life, after 3 years …!!!
We discuss about few topics:
-linear emission
-situation of the community
-the web spider theory
-community fund allocation

We started with a question about linear emission. So, on this point, the main part was, is the choice could be a bad move for GRIN ? Is this difference with halving could be a barrier to adoption ?
The conclusion we had, is that wether it’s bad or not, it’s not responsible of the situation. Look farming for example, they printed as hell and they get lot of attraction back in time. (Of course, reducing emission with time could have helped a little bit with this massive drop in price).
On my view, linear emission was an attempt to maintain fairness in long run. The problem is that wanting to be too fair, are we not chasing away people that contribute to the project ? How many important people have we lost ? The list is so long …

Second point was the situation of the project, we assess that main point was to gain traction and we agreed that there is no clear path to learn about GRIN. For
someone just arrived, the project seems at least tricky, in worse case scenario, dead or scam. Check reddit for example, or the Coinmarketcap link for twitter that was closed for so long.
It’s here that my “web spider” theory arise. Whatever we do, people are not ready for GRIN. But if we can’t go find them, we should hunt like a spider, they never run
after insects, they let them come and they never let them leave again. That’s how we should develop the ecosystem. New grinners have to find clear content, networks, information and tutorials. How to find all resources ?

( Shoutout for telegram and twitter which are the 2 mains parts very active )

The last part was about funding and bounties, cf marek and David summary.
Conclusion, I really liked this Warsaw afternoon. So I think that I will continue on the idea of a forum post of few months ago. It was about a tour in motorcycle crossing cities and meeting people, it starts 20 august 2022 and will be around north Italy, Switzerland. So if you are around here and would like to meet, drop me a message. (I will also be able to go further in the future)

My other idea, is on the same principle as Mastering Bitcoin/ Ethereum. Starting mastering GRIN, a mimblewimble implementation for private and scalable blockchain.
I’m sure that if we use architecture of Andreas book, it could be quite quick (few months) and very helpful, imagine having the preface from him ???

Have fun


For me Mastering Bitcoin was the best entry into Bitcoin.
I fully agree that having a similar book for Grin that contains both higher level and technical explenations combined with Python code snippets would be extremely usefull.


I agree, mastering Bitcoin makes a great intro, BUT Mastering GRIN has to be done well. Ive read other “Mastering XYZCOIN” books that lazily copied the format, but failed to serve as a good introduction to the technology. A poorly written Mastering GRIN book would be harmful.

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Why do you think linear emission could be the reason for people to stop developing? I get that the price is, and probably will be for some time, lower because of it, but afaik there was always money to pay serious developers so they haven’t really been influenced by that imo.

Having a technical book would probably help a lot since currently only a handful of people know how things are implemented and having to answer the same questions (stackexchange :/) over and over is tiring and takes away the time that could be used for developing.

It’s nice that you met and shared the experience with others :slight_smile:

It was a question to think about, not an argument to change emission

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I think that i will start in the next day a framework. It will be as an GitHub project where everyone will be able to participate, i will dedicate the next few months to this i think


I think the good approach to get started wit Mastering ツ would be:

Taking some key decisions first:

Those decisions will affect the entire process, so better to do proper research and make proper choices before we write even one word. Most important are tools, we need to find some tools (Sphinx, Pandoc etc) that can satisfy:

  1. Rendering it as ebook, html static website, and whatever else in the future people might use…
  2. Support LaTeX with pre-rendering as SVG (web books with math take long time to load and render)
  3. Make it easily translatable to multiple languages, including the figures
  4. Pick a licence and tools must be compatible with that licence.

More things that might matter is:

  1. Think of some review process.
  2. Think of some funding scheme, I am sure many people would be interested in contributing, even if they are not experts they can help for example translating, making figures etc.

Then we just start a repo and we are good to go!

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Started something like that

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