This thread has a few odd takes, I’d like to make a couple of clarifications.
This is an update, to a previously existing code of conduct.
The previous version of the code of conduct was not forced upon other independent Grin communities, like the GrinHub telegram group or one of the many Discord servers. This one will not be either. Nobody wants to do that, and even if they did, I don’t see how it would be possible to do so in any case. They are welcome to adopt their own code, no code, this code, or some other code.
All the work and discussion for this work effort has been done in the open, including:
- forum thread that originated the conversation 12 weeks ago;
- github issue where the objectives and planned changes were laid out clearly 12 weeks ago;
- one two, three, four, five governance meetings where the topic was pre-announced on the agenda;
- one, two, three, four, five, six meeting notes which covered the topic; and
- the pull request on /site that was opened five weeks ago.
Those who were interested in actively getting involved had ample opportunity to do so.
Here’s what I said when I announced the work:
I created an issue after some forum banter with kurt over the weekend. My intention is not to rethink the coc or to open up some kind of giant can of worms. More to make sure it’s up to date, and that it’s as contention-free as possible. The spirit of the CoC would remain the same.
Which is what has been done. The previous code of conduct was derived from the contributor covenant v1.3. It has since been updated to v2.0, which is what was upgraded to verbatim. As far as I can tell, there have not been any significant changes to its content, aside from improved structure, and language. As it was no material change, it did not require an RFC.
The contributor covenant has an FAQ section which might be useful to read. There’s actually an answer to a question that’s raised in this thread:
Can I be cited for a code of conduct violation for something that I say on Twitter or other social media site?
The Contributor Covenant only applies in project spaces and when an individual is representing a project. Your conduct outside of these situations is not governed by the code of conduct.
The past few weeks discussion on how to iterate on governance is still ongoing, and is completely separate to this effort, which was kicked off almost 3 months ago.