Support Grin with a full node

Every time a new grin node is spun up, it receives 8 outbound connections. Is this the best way to support the network with a node, or is it recommended to offer inbound connections as well? If so, how is that done, and how does that benefit the network?


Best way would be to allow incoming connections. Each node links to 8 other nodes to update their chain and relay transactions. If you allow incoming connections then people will be using your node keep their chain up to date.

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Only having outbound connections can actually be a small burden to the network. It’s not a huge deal, but forwarding port 3414 and allowing inbound connections is hugely beneficial for the network.


Is this two different actions, or does forwarding port 3414 of your public IP into your node automatically “allow inbound connections”?

It should just be one action.server-config.toml does actually have a setting under [server.p2p_config] called host that has to be, but I believe that’s already it’s default value.

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I can confirm that the default is set as described.

#The interface on which to listen.
# will listen on all interfaces, allowing others to interact
# will listen on the local machine only
host = ""

I can confirm that, after opening and forwarding port 3414 into a node, it started collecting incoming connections automatically. Thanks, David!


Could you do a quick step-by-step on how to open port 3414? Thanks!

You open ports by logging in to your home router. How you configure the ports on your router entirely depends on the type of your router. Try this guide:

Thank you, I meant in to the node configuration. Or is it open by default?

It’s open by default in the node software. No changes required.

It looks like this when it’s working (more total peers than outbound peers):

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I am running a few GRIN nodes in an high available setup


If you need to connect to a

full archive node

which usually is up and running at all times check out my page.


In case I want to run a grin node without having a static ip is there a problem or do I have to configure router settings different? In router settings I have the option to add macaddress if I do not have a static ip. I wonder if that works and if my node will appear in grinnode leaderboard

I already run a grin node from a static ip


Is there currently any support for incoming connections to the node over an anonymous proxy (tor, i2p)? If not, I could start working on it in the next couple weeks.

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Tor support is in the whish list.

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