Very sad to hear this but it makes sense given the context - Grin is not a particularly rewarding project, and the developers are repeatedly subject to unreasonable scrutiny from people who themselves contribute nothing, not even regular conversation in the channels.
At this point I suspect the project will be going into dormancy for quite some time, if not for good.
To be honest, as an ardent supporter of cryptocurrency for approaching a decade, I’m no longer sure how much involvement I want with it. The larger social context has fully co-opted this experiment that was meant to challenge and change said context. What began as an effort to rebase monetary systems onto sound grounds has become the most crass, exploitative method of milking plebs for the financial insiders’ benefit that has ever existed. Every single principle has been sold out in favor of pumping bags. With the wider political shift going on globally, this is only going to accelerate - and when the next macro crisis inevitably hits, crypto will not serve its function as hedge given BTC’s integration into tradfi - it will be blamed as the root cause and we’ll almost certainly see state crackdowns and public sentiment abandon it with foul taste in the mouth. So what’s the fucking point really?
Anyways, thank you @Yeastplume for all you’ve done over the years. This project was a breath of fresh air at the beginning, and possibly the greatest underdog that ever existed in the technological space as it developed. While I was never a fan of the Harry Potter stuff, I still found the experience to be magical in a sense.