Stepping Back from Active Development

Hi All!

I’ve decided to step back from active development on Grin and related projects for the time being to focus my energies on other projects.

I’m not disappearing, and I’ll work out something with the core team to allow me to dedicate time for critical fixes, releases and any bugs that might be reported. I may contribute a few small things here and and there as I have time, and I’ll also perform reviews and be available for any development questions that anyone might have. However, I won’t be actively developing Grin or working on any new features.

I genuinely look forward to more people stepping up to help with development. There’s plenty to be done, and plenty of funding for those who show up with genuine interest, talent, and an all-important smattering of humlity and civlity. I’ll always be around to support people like that.



That is unfortunate, hopefully the vacuum will attract some new/old developers.
In way it is a good experiment although I am not celebrating.


Sad to hear but totally understandable based on recent conversations.



Very sad to hear this but it makes sense given the context - Grin is not a particularly rewarding project, and the developers are repeatedly subject to unreasonable scrutiny from people who themselves contribute nothing, not even regular conversation in the channels.

At this point I suspect the project will be going into dormancy for quite some time, if not for good.

To be honest, as an ardent supporter of cryptocurrency for approaching a decade, I’m no longer sure how much involvement I want with it. The larger social context has fully co-opted this experiment that was meant to challenge and change said context. What began as an effort to rebase monetary systems onto sound grounds has become the most crass, exploitative method of milking plebs for the financial insiders’ benefit that has ever existed. Every single principle has been sold out in favor of pumping bags. With the wider political shift going on globally, this is only going to accelerate - and when the next macro crisis inevitably hits, crypto will not serve its function as hedge given BTC’s integration into tradfi - it will be blamed as the root cause and we’ll almost certainly see state crackdowns and public sentiment abandon it with foul taste in the mouth. So what’s the fucking point really?

Anyways, thank you @Yeastplume for all you’ve done over the years. This project was a breath of fresh air at the beginning, and possibly the greatest underdog that ever existed in the technological space as it developed. While I was never a fan of the Harry Potter stuff, I still found the experience to be magical in a sense.


I hope you are wrong, but I fear you might be right.
For some reason I keep on seeing this “disenchantment” and exhaustian with Bitcoin and crypto with many long standing crypto supporters and activists. I am feeling that kind of exhaustion myself. I just hope that feeling will pass and I will stay open for the few glimmers or truly interesting crypto out there, which does still include grin, despite its current situation. I hope the magic will not be lost on you for forever as well.

I wasn’t going to comment further, but this is possibly the most concise and insightful comment I’ve seen in a long time, and I wholeheartedly agree. Thank you.


Over the last few days, and weeks, I am starting to feel the same.

"The enemy does not surrender. They eliminate themselves according to the same scheme, a grenade near the head, and go. Those who remain on the battlefield are doused with flammable liquid and burned,”

No one said anything about universal soldiers being real.

The uncontacted tribes in the Americas are looking very interesting. I might pay them a visit, and stay for a few years.

Lets hope you guys make it.

It’s because of all this, is exactly why we need GRIN! In a world full of rug pulls and corporate greed, some of us see grin as the last safe haven for the cypherpunk.

More will be coming to grin as they too will all start to see what we are all seeing, but grin is the solution to the problem not the cause!


It’s possible, and I do hope so, but if so it’ll be a slow process…

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Hello, bro, thank you for your support and kind words about GUI wallet, I also think it can be a part of Core mimblewimble organization, I will be happy to work on Core more frequently to help maintaining project since March-April with spending min 4 hours per day for Grin, I am also thinking to create Kanban board with tasks, so it will increase efficiency and transparency.

I am thinking to attract some Rust developers and even pay them for this tasks in Grin when we will have payment plugin ready.


Grin is a beacon of light in a dark, dark world. Don’t get misled by the rampant exploitation and greed prevalent in the cryptosphere. Remember what is the true mission here: simple and fair money for all to use. True grinners hold fast to this proposition.


With Igno, Antioch, Lehnberg, David Burkett and the other David gone, I think this might be the final nail in the Coffin for Grin.

I was an early user back in 2019 and I loved to complain here about how hard it is to use. And still I bought Peanut Butter from Tunis and a T-Shirt with Grin.

In my Opinion the Reason for Grin to fail was exactly what I was always complaining about:

  1. It was too hard to use. It was unintuitive. You needed to have the wallet online, you couldn’t just send money like with a bank transaction.

  2. It was even hard to use for Exchanges. We were on Poloniex. Back than I had to open up several tickets because of failed transactions. I totally got it why they kicked Grin from their exchange…they had enough of all the support tickets, it would not surprise me if Grin created the most support tickets of all listed Cryptos.
    I think Bisq stated exactly this as the reason for kicking out Grin from their exchange in early days.

  3. The main feature, lightweight privacy, isn’t that much worth for the public, especially not for the Crypto Bros who only care about gains.

  4. That set up the downward spiral. Grin was traded on fewer and fewer exchanges and became less and less visible, the steady emission (which itself is a good thing) led to declining price, which lead to disappointed gamblers.
    6.The few left developers were supposed to spend their time for software for a smaller and smaller crowd that was never satisfied. With the sinking value of Grin almost nobody made a profit.

  5. The real last nail in the Coffin will be when TradeOgre stops it’s service. This will be the moment from where we are completely cut off from the crypto sphere.

  6. But I wonder: Is this a bad thing? Is there some kind of Offline Future for Grin? I cannot see it. But it might be a path forward. In the Online Space as it is now, I don’t see a Future for Grin, unfortunately.

  7. Yeast plumes Departure is a sad day, but it’s likely the best decision for himself, so I am glad he made the right call for himself.

  8. With Grin done, I am also done with Crypto in general. For me it was Grin or nothing. I sold my other Coins some time ago.


The Grin Manifesto

Another coin, another blockchain—some would scoff and turn away. But we are not like them. We are the wanderers of the cryptographic landscape, the architects of a better tomorrow, bound not by greed but by curiosity and purpose.

This is our world now. A world of decentralization, privacy, and freedom. A world where Grin exists—not to inflate markets or make kings of traders, but to serve as a whisper in the loud clamor of surveillance capitalism: You are free.

We exist without borders, without permission, without masters. We thrive in a world of rules, but not the rules of the old guard—the bankers, the brokers, the centralized overlords who built castles from your toil. Our rules are code. Our integrity is math.

Grin is not built to dominate. It is not shiny, not noisy. It is quiet, minimal, and relentless. It is for those who believe in a simpler, fairer world. A world where no one owns the system and yet everyone can use it.

You say Grin is “just another coin”? Perhaps you misunderstand. Grin is not built for you to hoard; it is built for you to use. To transact freely, to send value without fear of surveillance, to walk through a world that increasingly watches—and yet remain unseen.

Yes, we know what you think. “Grin has no cap; it inflates forever.” We laugh because you see scarcity as value but forget that freedom is priceless. Grin is abundant, like ideas, like potential, like trust in a community that chooses collaboration over control.

We are not here for Lamborghinis. We are not here for moonshots. We are here because we believe that in a world of noise, simplicity is revolution.

This is our manifesto:

Grin is not a weapon. It is not a cage. It is a tool—a tool for those who still believe that technology should liberate, not enslave.

We are the builders. The dreamers. The ones who run nodes in quiet rebellion, who mine not for wealth but for contribution, who write code as a declaration of independence.

We are Grin.

And we will grin.


What this all boils down to is that there is no market for a privacy coin today. Everyone in this community can see where crypto is heading (KYC, bankcoin) which is why we love grin so much. But for now, all that matters to the market is NGU. I hope that we can keep the grin torch lit and not waste what we have achieved so far. I love being part of this community and will be here if I can ever help. I do think that no active development is a good thing right now. If opportunities do arise then we should be ready but not feel pressure to do anything that doesn’t make sense, there’s no rush anymore. If people do want to work, they should be supported. We do have challenges as an open sourced project but we can focus on our strengths which are our morals and integrity. We will always be known for that and long may that continue.


Why do people talk about the end? What do we expect from Grin? Grin is operational and works 24/7 and to my knowledge has never had a critical problem so the project is successful. Indeed, Grin is far from the spotlight and is left for dead by many. But my small contribution to this historical project is the noise of my miner and my Grin wallet prove me the opposite. Thank you Yeastplume!


It is finish.
Even core developer and founder say bye bye to us

Yes, panic and sell everything…at least then my buy orders will finally all get hit :slightly_smiling_face:. You are quite the opportunist are you not @GrinDarkNetBank :wink: .
Just to be clear, this is not @Yeastplume saying goodbye: I am actually quite curious, will more people step up, step in to development? Only time will tell.