Stepping Back from Active Development

With Igno, Antioch, Lehnberg, David Burkett and the other David gone, I think this might be the final nail in the Coffin for Grin.

I was an early user back in 2019 and I loved to complain here about how hard it is to use. And still I bought Peanut Butter from Tunis and a T-Shirt with Grin.

In my Opinion the Reason for Grin to fail was exactly what I was always complaining about:

  1. It was too hard to use. It was unintuitive. You needed to have the wallet online, you couldn’t just send money like with a bank transaction.

  2. It was even hard to use for Exchanges. We were on Poloniex. Back than I had to open up several tickets because of failed transactions. I totally got it why they kicked Grin from their exchange…they had enough of all the support tickets, it would not surprise me if Grin created the most support tickets of all listed Cryptos.
    I think Bisq stated exactly this as the reason for kicking out Grin from their exchange in early days.

  3. The main feature, lightweight privacy, isn’t that much worth for the public, especially not for the Crypto Bros who only care about gains.

  4. That set up the downward spiral. Grin was traded on fewer and fewer exchanges and became less and less visible, the steady emission (which itself is a good thing) led to declining price, which lead to disappointed gamblers.
    6.The few left developers were supposed to spend their time for software for a smaller and smaller crowd that was never satisfied. With the sinking value of Grin almost nobody made a profit.

  5. The real last nail in the Coffin will be when TradeOgre stops it’s service. This will be the moment from where we are completely cut off from the crypto sphere.

  6. But I wonder: Is this a bad thing? Is there some kind of Offline Future for Grin? I cannot see it. But it might be a path forward. In the Online Space as it is now, I don’t see a Future for Grin, unfortunately.

  7. Yeast plumes Departure is a sad day, but it’s likely the best decision for himself, so I am glad he made the right call for himself.

  8. With Grin done, I am also done with Crypto in general. For me it was Grin or nothing. I sold my other Coins some time ago.