Request for Funding, @lehnberg: Jan-Mar 2020

You may find your argument carries more weight if you presented some evidence for your claim. Recruitment agencies all over the world publish salary surveys, so it should be fairly easy to distinguish whether someone’s remuneration ask is exorbitant.

For instance, I tend to use this survey for my area: A senior technical programme manager or senior project manager would expect to recieve anywhere between 450 to 700 EUR a day on a contract basis (and I’d say Daniel’s equivalent job title would fall within that definition). So let’s go with the low end and say 450 EUR is 380 GBP (though I suspect London rates are higher than my area).

380 by 19 paid working days in a month is 7,720, so assuming Daniel’s definition of part-time is at least 1/3 of his available time (which I believe it is), the least he should be receiving is about GBP 2,400 a month for his work at fair market rates. Again, this is the absolute lowest range of remuneration according to the survey I’m using. Based on this, the amount requested isn’t outrageous, it’s an absolute bargain.

I’d be interested in seeing what reference data you’re using to arrive at your conclusions that Daniel’s ask is unreasonable. From what I can see, he’d actually be far better off financially by simply contracting elsewhere.


If someone has an issue with transparency/clarity I don’t think moderation is the solution.

Be kind to your fellow community members.

Criticise ideas , not people.


My request is on the agenda for today’s governance meeting which will be held on Keybase rather than in Gitter. Please see here for instructions on how to join and participate:


With all due respect @johndavies24, I think you are focusing too much on the numbers and not so much on the value that @lehnberg brings to the table. The value far outweighs the actual percentages you seem to be fixated on.

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Wow, what a great and insightfull read. Certanly keeps me bussy during Covid-19😂.
My opinion is that using a template for funding request might help in the transparency/clarity. I have no experience in this field so there are most likely other community members who can much improve the template suggested below. Such a template could for example state:
% of Full Time Equivalent work
-salary per month priced in dollar as well as your home currency
-% increase, decrease of funding from previous period corrected for changes in working time, so only changes in hour rate
-nr of months forfunding period
-country worked from
-tasks and objectives
-reporting period

Personally I do think someone working from e.g. UK requires more funding than someone working from Zimbabwe. Maybe proof read any funding request with some council/community or other members could avoid long discussions about unclarities in the writing🙂

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Agreed, in hindsight it was very unclear. Proved to be quite a learning experience in the end! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the constructive proposal! Would you like to take a stab at creating such a template? You could create a new page in the wiki[0], or you could pull request into /grin-pm [1] and put it perhaps in /grin-pm/financials/templates/ or something?

Also note that there is a Spending Guidelines RFC[2] that is currently in the final comment period, which could also use more feedback.


[0] Home · mimblewimble/docs Wiki · GitHub
[1] GitHub - mimblewimble/grin-pm: Grin project management resources and docs


@lehnberg I will look into it if I can. Unfortunately I am stuck at home with two young kids and a my wife works full time, so it might take some time before I can allocate some time🤔.

Totally understand, take your time, and no sweat. Feel free to ping me on here or keybase if you want to toss ideas back and forth. :metal: