Reaching my node from anywhere

hi guys, hope everybody is doing great so far! Just set up a grin node on a VPS server with a background service. So far so good, grin server seems running from what I see in the grin-server log and port listening. But when I tried to use it as the specific node for my grin-wallet (executing the command grin-wallet -r “http://myIPaddress:3413” info) installed on my mac I get the following message: ERROR grin_wallet_impls::node_clients::http - Error calling get_tip: ResponseError error: Cannot parse response
WARN grin_wallet_libwallet::api_impl::owner_updater - Updater Thread unable to contact node
WARNING: Wallet failed to verify data against a live chain. The above is from local cache and only valid up to the given height! (is your grin server offline or broken?). When using grin-wallet -r “” info, this is working well. Would you have some advice for the noob I am in Grin to troubleshoot this issue? Thanks to all. FYI my server is reachable through a telnet with IP address and port 3413.


Got my answer on Keybase general chat, thanks to vegycslol!


Got my answer on Keybase general chat, thanks to vegycslol!

Do you mind sharing the answer, perhaps @stakerV can add it to the FAQ section to to explain it in a more simple matter ?

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@mcm-mike I created an issue for this. Based on vegycslol’s answer, one needs to either use foreign_api_secret or comment it out in grin-server.toml.


As soon as I find time I will expose in details what was my issue, and what was the fix :). Likely tomorrow.
Thanks to all for your great responsiveness,


hi there, here is the summary of the issue I faced:

  • I installed a grin node via grin-server package on a VPS server
  • I installed a grin wallet on my Mac via grin-wallet package
  • I followed GRIN Full node and Wallet Installation Linux | by Private Payments | Medium to make the grin server run permanently and launched at reboot
  • I tested my grin-wallet on my Mac with command: grin-wallet -r “http://myIPaddress:3413” info, it failed with the error: ERROR grin_wallet_impls::node_clients::http - Error calling get_tip: ResponseError error: Cannot parse response
    WARN grin_wallet_libwallet::api_impl::owner_updater - Updater Thread unable to contact node
    WARNING: Wallet failed to verify data against a live chain. The above is from local cache and only valid up to the given height! (is your grin server offline or broken?)
  • I then tested my grin-wallet with command: grin-wallet -r “” info to see if the issue was on my wallet or server, and it worked fine. I concluded something was wrong in my server setup.
  • I asked for advice on Keybase and after few exchanges Vegycslol gave me the answer (thanks to him!) I needed to comment the line foreign_api_secret_path = “/home/grinuser/.grin/main/.foreign_api_secret” in the grin-server.toml (basically inserting a # before the line) to bypass the basic auth

Hope it helps to describe what happened. Do not hesitate to comment if this setup is not ideal or if better ways exist. Thanks!