Pigeon Holes 🐦 βŠƒ


I was wondering if we could make inter-contact pigeon boxes for easily transferring between friends?

Simply create two DH keys, one for each direction.

Each will act as a shared wallet between yourself and your friend.

We both will monitor our receiving side of the shared wallet; and wipe the wallet clean when we see anything.

This is such a obvious idea that i feel embarrassed for sharing it. However, if is impossible then we can try something else. - It seems like it would work very well for async transactions.

I guess the problem is that you end-up with an extra kernel for each transaction. I suppose this will add to the storage cost of the blockchain.

Anyway, keep up the amazing work :smile:


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That’s a cool idea. Makes me think of when I was a kid, and we’d tie the string between two cups haha.

I like your idea, I would use it with a buddy of mine who is also into grin.