Once upon a Grincoin (What can YOU do for Grin?")

Hear, hear.

I agree with the idea of more bounties. IMO bounties should be small/accessible and especially focused on developing the ecosystem as well as bug bash challenges. Personally I would like to see more scripts that help people play with and understand Grin, preferably in Python.
A few examples:

  1. This thread, on locally serializing and de-serializing slatepacks:
    Decode Slatepack with CyberChef? - #10 by Trinitron
    This tool by J0ltz
    GitHub - j01tz/slatepack: Simple tool to experiment with Grin armored slates
    Such a script can be used for treasure hunts, puzzles, interactive airdops etc. Also great as education material, finally learn how slate-packs work.

  2. Similarly I am trying (and failing due to lack of time), to create a script to generate wallets based on any type of entropy. This is not only useful if you want for example to create your wallet on something custom, a sentence, number or for example a Shamir Secret, it is also useful as educational material since it teaches how wallet are generated in the first place

  3. How about an Open Source Grin Block explorer project so anyone can deploy a block explorer?This would be a great example to teach people how to build something on top of grin and grin++ (preferably compatible with both API’s).

To get people to develop on Grin, often they first need to tinker and play. Bug challenges and small tools are useful for that and I am in favor of creating bounties for them.

Probably we need a whole lot less than 10 BTC to begin with. Just to be clear, the spending guidelines on anything development has always been quite liberal. I think for a large part people are just hesitant to ask. They are maybe not aware that they can start their own project and their own bounty. So lets explicitly say it for a change:

“We welcome any project via funding request or self-suggested bounty.”

As long as you can explain why your project might have added value for the project overall, the community and the CC will consider it for funding. This can also include interesting experiments as long as there is proper argumentation for why it might be interesting.

Because it hard to go from nothing, to some of these “bounty projects”, I think we can start with formalizing a few bounties which people can request to be locked for them.
We can discuss these bounties here on the forum, list them officially on Github and reserve some (micro-)funds for them already.