Lehnberg - funding period evaluation - Q1 2020

A fitting quote for Grin as a ‘time coin’. My hope is that the to be instated community council can take away some of that pressure by being actively involved in the discussion on the forum, so those who have the technical capabilities to produce usefull output can focus a bit more on that.
I also think it would be good to get some more actionable targets to work/discuss on for the technologically gifted, those who can program and or discuss and implement cryptography. Maybe some ‘devide and conquer’ mentatlity is also needed. For example by forming working groups which focus on fine grained discussion and implementations of a single thing, e.g. coin-join, test/template exchange workflow, … etc. Probably best to define such targets and groups in an official meeting and make it part of a ‘roadmap’ document for Grin. In general having such a roadmap with clearly defined objectives and timelines help to avoid endless discussions without clear outputs.