Is GRIN still alive?

To add to what @Trinitron posted

Perhaps the most exciting thing being developed atm is CoinSwap, which obfuscates the tx graph, breaking linkability. So a Grin tx could have a similar level of privacy to a Monero tx.

Development progress thread:

Grin ++ an implementation of Grin written in C++ is in constant development:

There’s also a Python implementation being worked on:

But unfortunately development has stalled due to issues around the API Owner API finalize_tx responds with Fee: Missing fee fields error · Issue #635 · mimblewimble/grin-wallet · GitHub we are lacking core devs atm and rely solely on @Yeastplume so we need to fund another core dev.

Grin recently became available on Ledger :

There’s also another ledger implementation being worked on here: Grin ledger hardware wallet progress thread by @markhollis - #72 by Cryptised

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