Is "fiat" really that bad?

There used to be a slatepack marketplace, but of course the usage was low. Truthfully, there just aren’t people buying and selling much with any crypto currency. Monero is arguably used the most, and most of that is just buying gift cards.

The commerce needs to be something that is easily done online and doesn’t require 2 customers to be involved. Gift cards or buying on Amazon via proxy is a great example of this because it only requires the one customer and the server admin / business. Messaging service like Keychat is another good idea.

Something that is recurring and doesn’t require mass user adoption in order to work. Something that is sustainable for the server admin / business even with only 5 customers.

A marketplace would be nice, but if it requires two customers (order makers and order takers), it’s going to struggle. And people get sick of buying honey and candles lol.