Integration with Mixin Messenger

Grin could be added to the Mixin protocol by following the examples of other domains here: mixin/domains at master · MixinNetwork/mixin · GitHub

Once it is added to the domains, I’m not totally sure what needs to happen after that, but if a crypto currency is added to the protocol, it can then be used in the app.

The benefit of grin being in the app is that it provides a full messaging network where people would be able to pass slatepacks in a pretty way.

This thread is to conduct research together on the possibility of this. It could be a good example of a better messaging UX for grin that doesn’t require something being added to the core

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Mach more interesting integration whith this blockchain social network Bastion — A decentralized social network of a new format | by Versoz | Medium

I see zero relation between Bastyon and Mixin. Completely different things.

I suggest making a separate thread about that though. Maybe you can explain what kind of integration you are thinking of.