I love all grinners❤️. Meme theme



The future?

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In case anyone wondered, the origin of that pill (that inspired the Wachowski brothers who directed the Matrix), SeedSigner logo design and current and past cypher and cyber punks:
Akira, a famous manga and anime from the 80’ies. Based on that I designed some quick and dirty wallpapers, unfortunately not very high resolution. The kanji are the Chinese characters for Grin.


An interesting character

Having fun with a Grin Haiku generator, all except my first try are quite nice:
Try 2

Grin of the Digital Age

Whispers through the wires,
A grin of silent consent,
Cash flows, unseen hands.

Minimal pathways,
Each node a promise to share,
Fair in the design.

Privacy wrapped tight,
In shadows where secrets thrive,
Freedom stems from trust.

Scalable visions,
A world where wealth finds a way,
Digits dance like dreams.

Try 3

The Digital Grin

Whispers in the code,
Scalable trust takes root here,
Fairness in each byte.

Privacy guards dreams,
Digital cash flows like streams,
A grin, bright and wide.

In the vast unknown,
A minimal path unfolds,
Connections that glow.

Try 4

The Whisper of Trust

In shadows we grin,
Mimblewimble whispers soft,
Privacy’s embrace.

Digital dreams flow,
Cash in code, flowing like streams,
Fairness comes alive.

Scalable futures,
Trust blooms in the unseen space,
Minimalist hearts.

Try N

Whispers of a Grin

In shadows, they smile,
Mimblewimble whispers soft,
Trust intertwined deep.

Digital echoes,
Cash flows like a gentle stream,
Fairness in each byte.

Hidden in the light,
Privacy holds the key close,
Scalable dreams soar.

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Cyber Alice Loves Grin

Glowing screens flicker,
Quiet laughter fills the void,
Dreams in code entwined.

Wires hum a song,
Silicon hearts beat as one,
Chasing lights through life.

In binary flows,
Alice dances through the night,
A grin’s spark ignites.

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Alice Wonderland 2021

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Grin is the exit strategy. Take your profits and sail into obscurity…!

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Memes should not be underestimated, gods, fashion, trends, ideologies are all memes.

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