Grin G1 Mini Setup Introductions
Server connection
Please connect with the Ethernet and power supply as the following shows.
Caution: The server and PC must be in the same network segment, otherwise the IP information returned by the server cannot be received.
Find the server IP address
Download the file Show IP.exe
Right click the “Show IP.exe” and run it as Administrator.
Press the “IP Report” button on the server for 3-5 seconds and release it
The server IP address will be feedback as shown below:
User login
Enter the obtained IP address in the browser (Google Chrome is recommended) then enter the administrator account and password: admin in the server login page.
Network setting
Click Miners-Network Configuration on the left side list, switch the server IP address to DHCP or Static. (Default IP address state is DHCP)
Pool setting
Click Miners-Pool Configuration on the left side list, select coin:Grin32
Available Pool for Grin32 (optional):
*For Decentralization and healthy Network, choose other pools please.
Pool Worker:According to the“sub-accounts”set in the corresponding mining pool account, if the sub-account is ipollo123, the worker should be, the number suffixed used to
distinguish the server.
The default pool password is 123.
After finishing 3 pools setting, click Save&Apply.
Check the operating status of server
Click Miners-Dashboard to check current server operating status.
*İnstructed by ipollo
Trusted and verified uptodate Mining Pools by Community.