Help us write Grin's Mission statement!

What’s a nonbullshit mission statement look like, I can’t recall ever seeing one

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I like F on the list.

Also, G is inaccurate because in the small game of protocol design all tx on most blockchains are treated the same, it’s just the larger game of L2 platforms that can censor accounts/tx if they’re not private by default where it becomes important. Maybe get rid of G and/or update it to “https for money”?

Also I think that unless UX is the #1 goal any proposals that include the word “simple” should be reconsidered. To most people crypto-currencies are a mix between sci-fi and black magic: cool, weird, and confusing af. Just saying it’s simple doesn’t make it simple, just like saying you’re a good guy doesn’t make you a good guy: those are for other people to decide.

Sorry, I wasn’t very clear there.

“Grin is an implementation of mimblewimble. Where other coins make compromises for speed, endless expansion or legality; the goal of grin is privacy first, let the consequences follow.”

This is descriptive. (i.e. Grin is…) A mission statement needs to be normative, towards an ideal goal. So how can we rewrite that statement to make it sound like that?

For example

Grin’s mission is to deliver private transactions to the people; to hell with the consequences.

@burrata updated - you’re killing it with the short and simple mission statements! I like it :slight_smile:

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Mission: To enhance the world’s money. With everyone. For everyone.

Vision: Grin is electronic cash designed to be a fair, privacy-focused, trustless monetary system and to achieve independence from surveillance and centralization of power. Based on an inclusive open source community would guarantee the freedom of neutral money through cryptographic light-weight transactions and minimal design. Grin is a medium of exchange for everyone who wants to cooperate for basic human rights and for trusted money in a trustless system.


*I’ve noticed that there are a lot of nice statements and I’ve tried to collect and modify them in such a way that they are ordered answering at first “why”, then “how” and finally “what” are we doing.
((Why? To improve the world’s monetary system
How? With the help of everyone who wants to participate
What? Grin is money for everyone))


And these are some of the pieces where I’ve found inspiration:

Grin could be the complementary medium of exchange that is needed.
Any thoughts? :blush:

Thanks! Added the mission to Define a mission statement · Issue #27 · mimblewimble/grin-pm · GitHub.


Grins mission is private transactions, that will withstand the coming regulatory pressure of the old systems of control, embracing coins with libertine-smothering caveats or extinguishing them with anonymity breaking attacks.

electionic cash

cash is dying, physical coins are on life support; coins being short hand for cryptocurrency should be fine and it won’t come with expectations that grin won’t meet; grin is weird, the both parties must be online thing means cash is a bad metaphor to start with.

I expect bitcoin cash to do weird things with this phrase over time as well


Fairness is outcome or in opportunity?

Honestly everyone who wants to use fair, poke @tromp to pick a new word/phase; he wrote the mining code and is the one pushing that coin policy; he should define his vision in such a way it doesn’t mean different things to different people in a mutually exclusive way.


Is it inclusive to allow muhammad cp to raise money, or is it inclusive to make it illegal to call muhammad a pedophile in $CURRENTYEAR?

I give it 3 years before the word does a positive/negative split like freedom and fairness; but we don’t have the vocab yet.

Right now this would be a pressure point for swj’s to push, I’m going to hold back my rant, but really you don’t want that

open source


they are related but be more accurate

independence from centralization of power

Isn’t this a invitation to debate the merits of capitalism?

medium of exchange

I know of 5 thoerys of money, why this one? Iota probably better “medium of extanage” as a simple example and grin has an uphill battle in this regard

Here is my first attempt at a one-liner:

Decentralized financial privacy, boldly re-imagined.

More of a tagline than a mission statement…

 Money for the 3rd Millenium

Anyone following this topic, maybe take a look here - especially if you see anything I’ve copied over that you would want to have removed.

VOTE on Grin's Mission statement

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We need to define a core objective in the mission statement that differentiates Grin from all other projects, so that we are not directly competing with them- Especially the other privacy-focused projects. Grin could start by adopting the premise that: Privacy isn’t a feature, it’s a given( a default) and goes without saying unless you opt-out.

I would also like to plant the seed and suggest that Grin’s core objective is to become a global decentralized P2P currency, that trades more liquidity than any other currency in the world( including $USD). Thus Grin becomes a global MoE and is considered a base/ reserve currency, traded freely throughout all nations.


A Private,
Global P2P currency.


Your Private,
Global reserve currency.


A global P2P atomic currency


Meet Grin:
A global, decentralized P2P currency.




mimble wimble was a trade off that weakens a great many things; it ain’t going to be a reserve currency and it’s not the best at … whatever parts of decentralization your going for. Always on tech for end users, is not exactly the best thing in the world.

Check your premises.

From the recent coincenter paper on electronic cash:

“Electronic cash is exactly what it sounds like: a bearer, peer-to-peer, permissionless, and
privacy-preserving form of money that is not paper or metal, but digital.”

I am leaning more and more toward just lifting the bitcoin opener more or less; Grin is Peer-to-Peer electronic cash.

I mean the entire thing is exactly continuing what bitcoin started.