Help us write Grin's Mission statement!

Here’s my attempt at a short version:

  • privacy and security for users at every layer of the protocol
  • open community that welcomes divergent views, talents, and solutions
  • open source code and research for anyone to audit, explore, and improve

But frankly, the points outlined in the docs intro seemed pretty solid too:

  • Privacy by default. This enables complete fungibility without precluding the ability to selectively disclose information as needed.
  • Scales mostly with the number of users and minimally with the number of transactions (<100 byte `kernel), resulting in a large space saving compared to other blockchains.
  • Strong and proven cryptography. MimbleWimble only relies on Elliptic Curve Cryptography which has been tried and tested for decades.
  • Design simplicity that makes it easy to audit and maintain over time.
  • Community driven, using an asic-resistant mining algorithm (Cuckoo Cycle) encouraging mining decentralization.

Sorry for all the edits, but as I’m going through the forum discussions I keep learning more and more. Don’t want to spam the channel so I’m just updating this post. Anyways, in the foundation / no foundation discussion @igno.peverell added these points which I think are really relevant to emphasize and cultivate as the project and community grows :slight_smile: