Happy 1st Birthday, Grin!

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Happy birthday :tada: :tada: :jack_o_lantern:

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Today I came across these quotes by a famous Dutch computer scientist, that seem somewhat appropriate for Grin:

Simplicity is a great virtue but it requires hard work to achieve it and
education to appreciate it.
And to make matters worse: complexity sells better.
        -- Edsger Dijkstra
... for the challenge of simplification is so fascinating that, if
we do our job properly, we shall have the greatest fun in the world.
        -- Edsger Dijkstra

Grin is the only cryptocurrency I’d dare to say is a better Bitcoin. It has the most elegant core I’ve seen out of all cryptocurrencies and I’m sure we can improve it even further. I hope you all stay around for a long time!


Happy Birthday Grin!

And Happy forkDay ! (20 characters)